Thursday, July 7, 2016

Long, Hot Suicide Summer, Where Are The Pink Drinks?

This has been an intense week, too much death and destruction everywhere, all fingers pointing back to the Islamic State. ( They keep shortening their name, next I expect it to be further shortened to the Isla St, connoting some sort of beachy weather in Paradise, for all those martyrs and those raisin eaters... ) Some pundits are saying that because ISIL is losing land that it had previously stolen, it is flaming out with as much destruction as it can, there being too many people still volunteering to become suicide bombers. Or maybe they have become rabid under too much heat in the desert, much the way Pol Pot went crazy living in the jungle, eating those leaves and bugs...

  • Saudi Arabia had its share of suicide bombers, in a twist of the phrase what goes around comes around... All of those years promoting Wahabism and death to America from Pakistan to the Bin Laden cave headquarters in Afghanistan is now coming back to bite the Kingdom in the bum. The country is seen as too soft and protective of those cults who are not extremist Sunnis...

  • Instead of spending all of that money and time investigating Benghazi and trying to pin it all on Hillary Clinton, we should have spent the money on rebuilding the infrastructure in Libya and sending peacekeepers to facilitate hospitals and schools. Instead, Libya is descending into chaos and up for grabs to the strongest group around. Then it will be time for another round of congressional hearings...

  • Just like we should have spent time and money in Iraq, rebuilding the infrastructure that we had just bombed, instead of bribing officials and prohibiting members of the Baath Party from participating in the government, military, and police. Paul Bremer was the worst, let's begin by putting him on trial, then George Bush and Tony Blair... If nothing else, we should have sent Mr. Bush over to become a permanent resident of Baghdad. It's just as hot in Dallas now, so he should feel comfortable, and he can pal around with whatever crappy prime minister is there and telling him what a heckova job he's doing...

  • Smugglers who helped refugees leave North Africa and the Middle East are now making money smuggling those refugees back into their home countries...

I cannot believe that Brazil is going on with the Olympics in the failed police state of Rio de Janeiro... They are in the middle of a drug war, with innocent civilians taking the brunt of bullets from both sides, though the police have killed about four times as many as have the cartels... The Olympic venues are no where near completion, and there aren't any signs on buses and trains to help visitors in getting to them... Local Rio police have been on strike because of back wages that have not been paid, and finally, the elephant in the room: the Zika virus... This is too tragic because Brazil is a beautiful, vibrant country, the part that isn't destroying the Amazon Rainforest.

For me the Summer will soon come to a head with the Republican Convention in Cleveland, oh what
a wonderful clusterfuck it will be. My neighbors and local politicians keep saying that if only Donald Trump would keep faith with basic conservative principals more, they could support him... But, my dear neighbor, it's those basic conservative values, which seemed so innocent and right back in the 1950's, are what is strangling the GOP and about to sink the whole Party below the waves. Our social memes change about every ten years, and if you are not re-evaluating your core beliefs to change with the times, then you become a stagnant stick in the mud who is laughed at by your grandchildren... Just look at John McCain and Jeff Sessions...

They are trying to deflect the attention away from the emperor by having James Comey tear into Hillary's email servers, another old subject that had been laid to rest. I just want to know how many times our government servers were hacked into during the time frame that Hillary used her own. Comey said it was possible hers were hacked, I know for a fact there were at least twenty good hacks into our government servers from the Chinese alone...

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