So, we've concluded the Benghazi hearings and the email server investigations, which the conservatives are still trying to flog back into life, groups like Judicial Watch are trying to file civil lawsuits against Hillary. They have found a puppet judge at the federal level who is setting a hearing to see if there's any cause to bring her in for another deposition, set right before the Democratic Convention, oh, what a coincidence...
I'm emotionally exhausted after watching the videos of the two innocent black men being shot and killed by police, then the retaliation shootings in Dallas, which ironically has one of the best police forces in the country. The comedian Larry Wilmore commented that it's a good thing that cell phones have cameras, because otherwise, there'd be no public record of these actions, just the victim's family filing wrongful death reports that go ignored...
One of the arguments going around is if you are a black man living in a state that allows concealed carry laws, what's the next step if you are just going to be shot by the police if you do carry a gun for your protection? It's obvious that a lot of police officers should not have become a cop in the first place, they are emotionally unfit for the stress of the job, time for an early retirement for these guys...
Things could be worse, we could be living in Kenya, with one of the most brutal and corrupt police forces in the city of Nairobi... It is a tradition that goes back to colonial times, when the British engaged in torture, concentration camps, and forced disappearances. Wait, aren't a lot of the brutal regimes in the world ex- British colonies? Let's talk about sadists being drawn to the military service... This also explains why countries like Egypt let the CIA set up sites where they could torture prisoners in semi-secret...
Back to the US... Because one video of a shooting was broadcast in real time on Facebook Live, it has made Facebook re-examine their posting policies, and I'll be that six months from now, a video like that, which probably saved the lives of a woman and her daughter ( the police officer was pretty shaky and hysterical, it looked like he was debating whether to leave witnesses or not ), will not be allowed and a filter to keep it from airing will be installed...
There already have been a few copycat shootings at police officers within 48 hours of the Dallas sniper shooting that killed police working at a street protest, mostly in southern states with a long history of racist intolerance: Tennessee, Georgia, Missouri. Pundits have said that it was the first time that a robot was used to deliver a bomb and then detonate it to kill the sniper. Usually these robots have been used for roadside bombs in places like Afghanistan and Iraq, and now that our domestic police have used one, can the age of police drones and robocops be far off... Time to dust off those old comic books to see the future...
Hopefully, the violence will cool down in time for the political conventions, where another kind of warfare will be waged, and I can enjoy good old stories about sexual harassment in the Fox workplace, care of that bloated pig of a man, Roger Ailes...
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