Friday, July 29, 2016

DNC Day 4: Hillary Survives Expectations

The burning question for this evening was: could Hillary hit it out of the park with her acceptance speech? The answer is no, of course she couldn't, nobody could compete with Barack and Michelle Obama, but she did give one of the better ones of her career. And she doesn't like giving speeches...

We had been on thunderstorm watch all evening, and right when it was time for her speech, the electricity went off. I figured that it was a local Republican plot engineered by Doug Lamborn, but that would be giving him far too much credit in planning and initiative... So I went next door, where my neighbor had lit candles and had a battery powered radio. We didn't make s'mores, but I was happy to get a bottle of cold water...

Hillary was still speaking when the power came back on and the cable had cycled back on. Given the reaction to the convention as a whole, it should be a done deal to elect our first woman president. But there is this nagging in the back of my head, warning me about the power of negativity, how it's so much easier to take things apart and smash things than build something, especially if you want a consensus before moving on...

If Hillary can fulfill one or two of her progressive promises, it will be a minor miracle, unless more Democrats win in the Senate and in the House, otherwise she will be banging her head against the wall as much as Obama did.

The Senate will be without the freshmen Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. People say that Ted will be the front-runner in four years, but I think he will sink thankfully into obscurity while more moderate heads try and rebuild the Republican Party into something that doesn't resemble a riot at the insane asylum, warning, warning, the inmates have taken over...

Donald Trump tried to piss on her parade by tweeting up a storm, but was generally ignored... So, he took his wife's web site off of the internet. This way she sure won't screw up again, and he can control what she says from now on just like he has to control everything else in her life. Hope you got a good prenup Melania, because if Donald loses he will soon be divorcing you...

Well, on towards election twilight, where the candidates seem dimmer and less clear the more I contemplate them, ghosts of their rhetorical pasts, only brightened momentarily by a presidential debate. And really, someone needs to pry his cellphone from Donald's tiny, tiny hands, and cancel his tweet account. Let him start watching porn late at night like any normal 70 year old guy...

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