Well, you're not going to get it at the Democratic Convention, no matter how hard core a Bernie fan you are. Look kids, you have to learn how to work for the things you want to happen, you will get knocked back many times, many times it will seem hopeless, and by the time you are in your 70's it may seem that you accomplished very little. Hell, Bernie Sanders spent 25 years in Congress and accomplished very little, he was happier giving speeches than crafting legislature...
This convention has been the closest to a love-in as you can get these days, too bad the group from Colorado didn't bring enough bud for everyone. You may have noticed that on day one they stayed in their section when 4:20 in the afternoon rolled past... There may have been tension and booing, with Sara Silverman, of all people, telling them they were ridiculous... Actually, my favorite booing came when Leon Panetta spoke. I liked him as a Congressman, not so much as Secretary of Defense because he was over his head, and especially not as head of the CIA, which needs to be dismantled or at least no longer allowed to do covert operations... So I sat in my chair and laughed and booed along with them, go back to Monterrey, ya old clunker!!!!
Pundits agreed that until last night, Michelle Obama gave the best speech. During her pauses you could almost hear Melania Trump taking notes... Then, Barack Obama spoke. If you have access to something like YouTube, go and watch it. It was one of the best speeches I have ever heard, noted for its grace, lyricism, hope and warmth for how elegantly he passed the baton to Hillary. I had tears in my eyes and the last time that happened was during Obama's inaugural speech... One pundit on MSNBC said that in the 30 years he's been covering political conventions, he's only heard 4 good speeches, and Barack Obama has given them all... I'm a registered Republican, but Barack's speech has made me vote Democratic again, Donald Trump just doesn't have a big enough heart, and he certainly doesn't have the soul to match Obama, who is a better father than Trump, a better dresser than Trump, is more elegant than Trump, can tell a joke better than Trump, and is a better husband than Trump will ever be...
And when Hillary came out at the end of his speech, they hugged, and there was no booing, only cheers, and quite a few others had tears in their eyes, too. It was a beautiful hug, one that you wished for yourself, and I doubt if Hillary will be able to do better tonight on her own.
If her husband Bill, and Michelle and Barack can go around the country and campaign for her, she should easily win. The Republicans only have Mike Pense, who has a radio talk show host tone of voice and a very narrow vision of the world. Both Mike and Tim Kaine are Catholics, so it should be interesting to see how they bring their differing views of faith into a debate.
Anyway, I was surprised that I have been enjoying the Democratic convention as much as I have, and I think it's because the organizers planned for it to be on a more positive note, and more inclusive. It is the kind of political convention that you are proud for people in other countries to see, how a democracy is supposed to work, and thank god there have been no Duck Dynasty guys or Scott Baio's cluttering up the stage. This may have been the un-grumpiest post I have ever done, I will try to get back in form. I just need to read about world politics to get pleasantly pissed off, and a couple of days after this convention...
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