Wow, last night was a letup from the downer of day 1 and the violent intensity of day 2. I wonder what the maestro of chaos has in store for day 3... This was supposed to have been Mike Pense's shining moment as the anointed chosen for the vice presidential slot. So many were vying for the slot and not told they were out of luck until the last minute, including Ohio's governor, John Kasich, who was promised the job by Donald Trump Jr... and that explains why Mr. Kasich is boycotting the convention and has a betrayed look on his face whenever he is questioned by reporters...
Instead, we got the well orchestrated prank that Donald played on Ted Cruz. Many people were
scratching their heads when Mr. Cruz was asked to speak at the convention, they thought there was too much bad blood between him and The Donald, and that he would never give his support to a Trump candidacy.
The fun began in the afternoon as Ted Cruz was on stage at an outdoor rally, only to have Donald Trump buzz the rally in his jet plane before it came in for a landing at the Cleveland airport. It was timed so well that you might think that there was someone in the audience giving the pilot the right time to fly in low, making sure the crowd could read the word TRUMP printed on the side in huge letters...
Then, in prime time, Ted Cruz had the slot speaking right before Mike Pense. I finally got my bottle of beer for the drinking game, you know, taking a swig every time someone calls Hillary Clinton a crook or a liar, and ended up dozing off at the beginning, only to wake up with the pundits on the tube exclaiming how extraordinary the events were, and only added to how bizarre this convention was... Ted figured he would give a little payback himself, and gave his speech really slowly, turning an allotted eight minute speech into 23 minutes, and not once mentioning Donald Trump's name. At the end where he was supposed to endorse Donald, he just said to vote what your conscience tells you to do. Donald had arranged that as a cue for the New York delegation to break out in loud boo's and be as loud as they could. The Secret Service responded by rushing Heidi Cruz out of the auditorium, as Donald made a surprise entrance on stage and the booing turned into cheers... Yes, Ted, you were set up and owned like a teddy bear in a comedy sequel.
To rub it in a bit more, Chris Christy was available for reporters questions, and he answered that now you know how Ted Cruz got his reputation in Congress, of being the most disliked... If anyone thought any of this was spontaneous, I have a bridge in New Jersey to sell you...
And poor Melania Trump. First, we learn that she plagarized part of her big speech she gave at the convention, and to make it worse, she quoted from THE ENEMY, Michelle Obama, whom she secretly admires. Next, a scapegoat was found and an imaginary scenario was concocted where the hapless ghostwriter confesses to Donald her sins and he forgave her because she wrote two of his books and he certainly didn't want another headache like the one with Tony Schwartz, the author of The Art of the Deal. Tony has been delivered a cease and desist letter by the Trump attorneys, because he keeps on giving his opinions that he regrets ever writing the book, and that in his opinion Donald Trump is a sociopath who cannot focus his attention on anything other than himself, and if Donald got control of the nuclear weapons codes, it could mean the end of civilization, literally... Anyway, Donald forgave her for Melania's sins, and has spirited her off to some secret corner of the Trump Tower where she cannot let down her hair.
Next, comes the revelation that Melania doesn't really have a university degree like she said she has, and that she actually dropped out of an obscure Slovenian university in her freshman year... the hits just keep on coming folks...
This convention has been really weird, I can hardly wait and see what fun things Donald will say tonight in his acceptance speech, will he go full bore batshit crazy like Rumpleforeskin Giuliani? We know that he will perpetuate the lies that have been told and retold that Hillary Clinton had something to do with the deaths in Benghazi, and she is responsible for all the evil that has sprung up in the world, will he go the distance like Ben Carson did and link her to Lucifer? I still have another bottle of beer that I will sip slowly and try to stay awake when it all hits the fan and the fun begins!!!
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