Wednesday, July 27, 2016

DNC Day 2: Bill Clinton Rocks

It usually takes me a few days to soak in what I've experienced, I no longer like to jump right into the fray and thrash about, trying to embarrass someone in public and sometimes reduce them to tears. Sorry about that, Larry, you're really not as dumb as I said you were...

I admire the intensity of the Bernie supporters, I might be one if I was in my 20's again. I remember talking to a college student about 16 years ago, and he asked me if I had ever protested the Vietnam War. He thought I was lucky to have a real situation like a war to protest, when his generation had nothing... of course I told him to wait a few years and our leaders would find somewhere to go to war so he could protest... And here we are bogged down in the Middle East, in a never-ending war... yet people are protesting that Bernie Sanders lost in the primaries as a candidate for president... seems this generation has a skewed sense of outrage and anger, I wonder if their parents are the ones expressing conservative outrage, dancing around and shouting "lock her up!" ... maybe the two groups could face off in an MMA octagon cage, it might make Mike Pense and Tim Cain look less boring... the match I'd really like to see, of course, is The Donald squaring off against Elizabeth Warren,,,

I'm still waiting for the Democrats to bring on a real stand-up comedian, someone really vicious and nasty like Anthony Jeselnik or Jeff Ross...

Ohhhhh, I have been rambling, time for my afternoon meds... Bill Clinton gave the best speech of Day 2, it was sweet and gave insight into the woman he married, and listed a lot of early accomplishments that many people may not have known about. It seems that Hillary needs to brag more often, because it was an impressive list consistently helping women and children's health and legal access... When her staff talks, they often ignore the elephant in the room, what will they do with Bill after Hillary gets elected? Gonna have to give him some supervision, can't let him wander off to get into trouble, can't assign him an intern, and it's never been done before, giving a former president another job at the White House... Just like we could give Donald Trump the permanent job of going around giving speeches on how he's making America great again, maybe book him with someone like Jeff Ross, call it the Great American Insult Tour, admission free, don't forget to strap on your guns for safety and protection... everyone can win and have a place to be expressive, except for Ted Cruz...

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