Saturday, January 28, 2012

Putin Despises Russia, Israel and Iran Conjoined, Perry Can Still Kick Your Miserable Butt

With all of the irrational, bizarre behavior going on in the world, you might think we were in the middle of summer, with temperatures in excess of 100 degrees, making everyone bitchy and mean.. Putin is getting ready for his landslide re-election in a couple of months, but he's hedging his bets by not allowing his main opponent on the ballot. He's forcing people to attend support rallies for the camera opportunity, although he hasn't made them take their shirts off or hunt for wild animals yet...

Iran has been in the news a lot, for all of the same old stuff, and the Israelis are getting hysterical, saying now is the best window of opportunity to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities, and it will soon be gone. They can't wait for a Republican president who will rubber stamp whatever insane ideas they come up with. Will the Israel lobby support a Mormon? Are they more than strangers in the night?.. Iran is having a difficult time with their economy, and if they lose major oil revenues, it may send it spiraling downwards enough to spark a regime changing revolution. The rial dropped 8% last week, and people are hoarding dollars in expectation that the rial may soon be worthless. And, as we always know, nothing helps the economy like a good war economy...

Some countries are getting tired of being fiscally responsible, like Zimbabwe in Africa. They are switching their currency over to the yuan, finally proving that China is a dominant player in the region. We can take our head out of the sand, now. We pretended that nothing was wrong when China bought up all of the land and businesses surrounding the Panama Canal, and ignored the amount of arms and explosives in the Middle East that came from China, almost as much guns and ammo as sold by the US and Germany...

It's been one year since Tunisia and Egypt rose up and got rid of their dictatorial leaders, what many have called the Arab Spring. Always makes me think of a bar of soap, which isn't a bad analogy, either. But Egypt isn't faring too well. Their military is still in charge and dictating policy, and refuses to give up any power, telling the young revolutionaries how it will be instead of working with them. The Muslim Brotherhood, which used to be outlawed, won many of the parliamentary elections, although its not as bad as we make it out to be. Finally, the economy has slumped this past year, and reserves have dropped to $10 million, which can keep the country afloat about a month and a half. If Egypt cannot solve these problems in a positive way, then it may well devolve back into a strong man dictator style of government, with a ruthless police and military, only this time it will be the government setting its citizens on fire, much like what's happening in Syria... One way out may be to hire out the Egyptian Army as mercenaries and march into Syria to stop the Assad government's insane tactics. They are so filled with blood-lust, that all reason has fled, and they are killing women and children, its OK as long as they are killing someone. The rats are leaving the country, it is getting ready to sink. Even Hamas has left Damascus, with the public head of Hamas saying that he is retiring to his cottage in Dubai...

Here at home, the GOP powers that be have taken aim at Newt Gingrich. They remember how reckless he was as Speaker of the House, and how mean he was to everyone. Now its payback time... Lots of ads in Florida saying what a crummy character Newt has, and out to lunch policy ideas on things like a colony on the moon. It might backfire, if the subtext that Newt also won't be their puppet and do exactly what they tell him to do, like they know Mit Romney would. Mit may be rich, but he's still a tool... Another secret, revealed during this last debate, is if you first come out and attack Newt, it throws him off his game, and he will retreat in pain and confusion, wussy that he is... doesn't it make you wish that all of the primaries and caucuses should be held all together this coming Tuesday? Then it might give the Florida primary some meaniing, instead of the red herring that is being bloated by the media, pretending that it is a whale...

Republicans in Texas were shocked by Rick Perry's poor performance on the national stage. Democrats are feeling even worse, because that dumb-ass alcoholic loser has been kicking their asses for the last 10 years. If he has dominated them at the polls, what sad excuses for politicians are they? If you can think of a good answer, let me know...

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