Saturday, December 6, 2008

OJ Juiced, New Life Christianity

Yesterday I watched the television coverage of sentencing for OJ Simpson and Clarence Stewart, and was surprised that I felt pity watching him ramble on in an attempt to beg the judge for some leniency. I expected to feel more savage delight that he was finally getting to see time behind bars.

It's public consensus that OJ got away with the murder of his ex-wife Nichole, and her friend Ronald Goldman in a fit of rage. We all watched with fascination the entire trial, which beca
me more popular than daytime soap operas, and cynically laughed when OJ vowed to never stop looking foe the killers. Nichole's sister, Denise Brown issued a statement "Allowing wealth, power, and control to consume himself, he made a horrific choice on June 12, 1994, which has spiralled into where he is today."

The Goldman family crowed a bit more, saying that it was their pursuit of Simpson's assets after winning a $33.5 million wrongful-death judgement in civil court that pressured him to commit the robbery in trying to recover some of his sports and family memorabilia, which he claimed was stolen.

Of course, the real loser will be Simpson's children. His oldest daughter may finally succeed in committing suicide, which she has tried a couple of times before.

If you ever say anything critical about Conservative Christians you will instantly be attacked by them, many whom believe that you have slandered Jesus Christ and all that is holy. You are perceived as a dark force that somehow must be discredited or destroyed.

Christianity is a mystical religion. The mystical experience happens when you accept Jesus into your heart or invoke the Holy Spirit to fill you up, an experience that tries to be repeated every Sunday at worship. Churches and pastors encourage this experience but don't take any responsibility for what may happen after one experiences this mystical state. For many people it can overtake their lives and the only way that they can relate to the world is through the prism of that experience. Not being prepared for this, many folks are seen as "crazy" to the rest of us, and there is nothing in the church established to take care of these people or teach them how to come out of this state. Their emotions become limited to the addiction of this mystical state, and anger at any threat to change out of it.

In Buddhism, it can take years of training preparing to control and understand before attempting to enter this state. Back in the 1930's and 40's, a man in India by the name of Meher Baba travelled around his country, collecting these God Crazy individuals to look after and take care of. Each church here in America should be doing the same, tending to their flock, instead of letting them create websites and write prolific letters to editors, often making life threatening insults...

With that in mind, it is now the one year anniversary since a young man named Matthew Murray showed up at New Life Church with a gun, and shot and killed Stephanie and Rachel Works. Attendance is back up to 10,000 people per week with their new pastor Brady Boyd. May god have mercy on our souls.

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