Wednesday, April 11, 2012

No More Shitty Santorum Jokes Here, Disbarred In Arizona

Joseph P Kennedy ll

"President Obama has signed into law a bill that bans members of Congress from insider trading. However, they are still allowed to mishandle campaign funds, cheat on their wives, and kill the occasional drifter." – Jay Leno

“Newt Gingrich says he still has a chance. He say people walk up to him all the time and beg him to stay in the presidential race. It’s a group of people known as Democrats.” – Conan O'Brien

"The FBI is reporting that American universities are being infiltrated by foreign spies. They say everyone should be on the lookout for any student who's paying attention and taking notes." – Conan O’Brien

The link above to Joseph Kennedy's opinion piece is in the NY Times. I can easily link to it because I have a subscription, but I'm not sure if the website will let other people read their material for free. It's one reason why I stopped adding links to opinion writers at the top of each post, because I disagree with paying for reading their websites. I subscribe to the printed paper version of the NY Times, which I love to read while drinking a cup of coffee each morning, and because I'm a grouchy old man trying to exist on medical disability retirement and can't afford much... Anyway, its about time someone else, other than myself, wrote about the evils of commodity speculation, or futures trading, and the rising prices in gasoline and the food you buy. Instead of gambling at the poker table, commodity traders are betting on your tank of gas and bowl of cereal. Wall Street has created a virtual world with no socially redeeming value other than they make money that you pay for in the end, yet very few people have protested about such a blatant rip-off...

To be honest, I was surprised that Rick Santorum lasted this long in the primary process. It must be a testament to how far to the right the Republican Party has drifted. Now, Mit Romney's campaign can shake things up like an etch-a-sletch, and redraw their candidate in more moderate tones, and Mr Santorum can go back to being the international Internet symbol for anal leakage. That's right, now if you call someone a santorum, it means that they are worse than a douche... Maybe, with the remaining states left to elect delegates, Ron Paul might have a resurgence, after all, its now between him and a much subdued Newt Gingrich.

 I like Ron, but he has several factors going against him. One: he looks like one of the puppets I use at the beginning of my post; I expect his nose to grow with each public appearance. Two: he's from Texas, an ignorant place run by good-old-boy politics. No matter how much Rick Perry now says he was on painkillers when he made all of his gaffes, it doesn't hide the fact how stupid the man is. Three: Ron has some good ideas, but it's his crazier ideas that worries me, letting him near so much nuclear arsenals. If you want to know just how crazy the environment he creates can be, listen to his son Rand talk... Batshit personified.

As for Newt, the whole country now knows him as a blustery, egotistical, incredibly bad politician unsuited for any kind of public office. He's pretended to be an intellectual history professor, but few remember that he taught at some obscure college in Georgia, and was let go from that job when his peers voted not to give him tenure, an act that was eerily repeated when he was kicked out of Congress for screwing up as Speaker of the House... Which means that we're left with Mit Romney, a man who cannot tell the truth even if his life depended on it.

Joe Arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County, Arizona, has lost one of his cronies, a valuable member of his posse. An ethics review board has ruled that the former county district attorney, Andrew Thomas, will be disbarred as a result of violating the rules of conduct for lawyers. Andrew had been a naughty boy, in that he launched criminal investigations against two county employees and one judge, whose only crimes were they had publicly been critical of Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The investigations were announced to embarras and publicly humiliate the officials. Andrew still thinks he did nothing wrong, and that he is a victim of a political witch-hunt.

Sheriff Joe Arpaio first came to our attention when he created a tent city for over-flowing prisoners, and for giving them all pink underwear. He then tried to turn that publicity into making some money, writing a book and calling himself the Toughest Sheriff in America. Joe also tried to market his famous pink underwear as a fundraiser for the sheriff's posse, but refused to tell where the money went, which was into his own pockets. He has become more strident over the years, and is now under federal investigation for violating his prisoner's rights. Hey, it can get hot in those tents, one time the temperature was recorded at 145 degrees, and the prisoner's shoes began to melt... Now, Sheriff Joe seems more like a small, minor egotistical blip overshadowed by the rest of the crap coming out of Arizona. I mean, pink underwear says you are a tough guy???

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