Friday, February 2, 2018

New News-Links and New Attitude

I have been revising the news links, trying to add some interesting ones from around the world. Now, where else can you link to the Afghanistan Times? I will add and subtract according to the amount of good analysis I find...

From South Africa came the report that Lebanon will officially look more to Russia for help, not Iran or Hezbollah. It is in direct retaliation to the hostility growing between Lebanon and Israel, with Israel threatening to invade at any moment, and the US landing ground troops in Israel...

From Tehran came the news that Israel sent some jets to Gaza, while sending ground troops to the West Bank, looks like there's gonna be another fight... Neither stories have been reported in the US or Israeli newspapers yet, so either they don't find this very important, or the Israelis have decided to round up all of the Palestinians and deport the ones they don't kill... 😞

I also will try to post a lot more often and not take weeks or months off, discouraging whatever readership I once had. I thank the few who have read the past couple of posts, feel free to comment and start a dialogue, I will answer back. I don't have a staff or stable of writers, it's just me sitting in my living-room, typing on my tablet... Of course, times are changing, written blogs are falling by the wayside, and video blogs uploaded to Youtube seem to be the rage. The closest I came to that was exploring what it would take to do a podcast, but retirement finances soon put an end to those silly fantasies... I do enjoy watching videos uploaded to YouTube, but I usually end up watching Russian car crash videos, where everyone seems to have a camera on their dashboard, and drive around incredibly drunk... 👀

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