Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Trump and Putin Don't Know How To Use Computers and Troll the Internet...

I learned a new term this morning while reading Paul Krugman's opinion piece in the New York Times: we live in a kakistocracy, a nation ruled by the worst... at first, I thought it was similar to naming groups of animals with colorful names, a gaggle of geese, a pod of whales, a murder of crows. He was complaining that the GOP had become the home for " a party built around bad faith, around pretending that its concerns and goals are very different than what they really are. Flag waving claims of patriotism, pious invocations of morality, stern warning of fiscal probity are all cover stories for an underlying agenda mainly concerned with making plutocrats even richer... " I have been saying the same thing ever since Sara Palin reared her sarcastic head upon the scene, but my terminology was limited to saying they all had sticks up their butts, and that Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz reminded me of two types of creepy child molesters...

We are seeing the death of the two party political system and waiting for credible alternatives that
aren't run by local crack-pots... We get all of the chaos of living history in real time, stirred to a frenzy by the Orange-Haired Mad Hatter. In the year since he's been in office, Donald has told or Tweeted over 2,000 provable lies, and never admitted to any of them. This has created a sense of trickle-down denial, flowing through Mike Pence, John Kelly, Sarah Sanders and others to the sewer lines and on towards the polluted seas... People have always been frustrated by this lack of responsibility and double-speak. Ironically, it may be what got Donald elected, but probably will also kick him and his corrupt cabinet out of office in 2020... In the meantime, don't be so shocked at the pettiness he reacts to, I'd be frothing at the mouth if I watched Fox and Friends every morning, putting a crick in my two typing fingers before 7 AM...

So, 13 Russian citizens have been indicted for trying to interfere with our last election. The information is pretty damning, and exposes how naïve many US voters really are, lacking in skills of critical thinking. Worse, the bots created by the Russian hacker groups are still alive and trying to add to the divisive nature of our national conversations. I believe it was the Washington Post who reported thousands of twitter posts from these fake accounts on the Parkland, Florida shootings, and our need to find ways to prevent another horrible incident. The intent is to make the issue more polarizing and create a little more chaos.

Both Trump and Putin share the older generation's lack of interest in the Internet, and lacking knowledge on how to use a computer. Putin doesn't need to create fake news from fake people in
Russia because he does it the old-school KGB way; putting your opponents in jail, shutting down websites, beating people up, torturing them, and poisoning them with radioactive polonium, all ways that we frown on... In Russia, they film you with prostitutes, in America, we pay them off with $130,000 checks. No wonder that our porn industry had been taken over by Russian and Czech mobsters, is this a great country or what!!?? Another reason that Republicans are giving so much slack to Putin is they are using some of the FSB's playbook of dirty tricks on their own political opponents; perhaps they are wishing for the East Coast to become the next Crimea...

Hey, if you want the NRA to act more responsibly, the solution is simple: have all of the activists who believe in gun laws and accountability join the NRA. Then, they could get someone more simpatico elected to national office and change things from within... Or you could always do it the Russian way and donate enough money to subvert ol' Wayne; he'll do just about anything to keep that spigot turned on to support his lifestyle...

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