Wednesday, February 22, 2012

American Taliban and Nazi Metaphors, Xanax for Iran...

"Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are both against gay marriage. Really, against gay marriage? I tell you, the problem with this is they’d make such a cute couple.” – David letterman
“President Obama's approval rating is up to 50 percent. Only half the country dislikes him. Apparently his strategy of not being any of the Republican candidates is paying off.” – Jimmy Kimmel

It sure has been a busy week for the news, although much of it is rumor and innuendo, reported as something we should take seriously. For example, today it was reported that the Southern Baptists are thinking of changing their name to the Great Commission Baptists because they think it might attract more young people. Of course, they're absolutely wrong, the name will just ridicule them further into the mists and fog of obscurity... Now, if they'd consider changing some of their social beliefs, they might have a chance. And if they want to appeal to disenfranchised youth around the South, they might want to try a name change that rings more true, like the Klu Klux Baptists, Church of Jack Daniels,or Smith and Baptists...

It's been a busy week for Rick Santorum, too, and it looks like there will be a few questions in tonight's candidate's debate that he will be dodging, which could be a good basis for tonight's drinking game: every time a candidate evades answering a question, you must down a shot of Kentucky bourbon... To be fair, Rick Santorum got into the media mess all by himself, with his penchant for using Nazis metaphors and preaching like some huckster without an education, when he said this in 2008:
“Satan has his sights on the United States of America. This is a spiritual war. And the Father of Lies has his sights on what you would think the Father of Lies would have his sights on: a good, decent, powerful, influential country — the United States of America. If you were Satan, who would you attack in this day and age?”
This was engineered by the Drudge Report, which is anti-Santorum, and hoped to wee-wee up the media over it. If they really wanted to embarrass Rick, they'd have reported how much he got paid to out Satan himself... In trying to defend himself, he pulled a page from the Gingrich bombastic playbook, referring to himself as the second coming of Ronald Reagan:
“Ronald Reagan did it. He called the Soviet Union an evil empire and the media went wild,” he said. “How dare you, how dare you ascribe terms like good and evil to regimes? Because Ronald Reagan told the truth, he didn’t sugarcoat it. He went out and called it the way it was. He went out and promoted the values of our country.”
There's a difference between Ronald Reagan, who has been resurrected into an iconic status, despite his real beliefs and having contracted Alzheimer's while in office, with the more mundane opportunist that Rick Santorum is... Personally, I don't see why the Republican candidates have to spend all of their time sucking up to the right wing elements of their party, just to appease a few billionaires. The right wingers and their anachronistic beliefs are dying out, what we are hearing around the world is the trumpeting of their pain as they sink further beneath the tar pits. Whether they are calling for global jihad or calling the president a Nazi or a Kenyan, their time has passed, their children make fun of them, they are constantly being exposed to public ridicule...

I rarely have to look no farther than my back door and local newspaper any time I want to be depressed by right wing fervor. Every other letter to the editor denigrates liberals, whoever they are, as being mean, vicious, and adhering to some vaguely socialist agenda. They sound like they would fit right in with the current leaders of Israel or the conservative mullahs and imams that preach sharia law, which is why they are often labeled as the American Taliban... At least my representative in Congress doesn't waste our time introducing personhood amendments; he's too busy sponsoring bills that make English the official language of the US...

"Iran and its nukes. They’ve got the rods all ready to go into the reactor. They’re waiting on the installer. He’s supposed to come out Friday between 10 and 2." – David Letterman
Speaking of old, conservative leaders whose time has passed them by: Iran's Ayatollah Khomanei said this morning, shortly after the talks and visits to nuclear sites broke down, as they always have in the past:
"Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that Iran’s nuclear course would not change regardless of international sanctions, assassinations or other pressures.

“With God’s help, and without paying attention to propaganda, Iran’s nuclear course should continue firmly and seriously ... Pressures, sanctions and assassinations will bear no fruit. No obstacles can stop Iran’s nuclear work.”
Sounds a bit like manifest destiny, I wonder if Iran has any bedouin tribes it has to kill in order to secure a nuclear future... And who has tied in having nuclear weapons with being a world player? Doesn't that seem to be a retarded vision of who's cool and who's not on the global playground? Instead of expecting Iran to mature all on their own, why don't we just let them skip a couple of grades??? I don't usually condone the use of neuroleptics, but wouldn't it be easier to get the leaders of Iran and other right wing reactionary countries hooked on Xanax? The last thing we need is them to start acting out their paranoid fantasies, the next thing you know, the Ayatollah Khamenei will be calling up the New York Times with his support for Rick Santorum and his similar religious beliefs...

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