Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas To Our Spy In An Iranian Jail

Hope your holidays will be filled with fun and family. I finally got my order of cigars, they weren't the ones I had back-ordered, but they are good enough, to get me through all of the football games during the next week. I have been trying to not write about the posse of GOP candidates, as it's too easy to make fun of them. I'm a gentler, kinder Grumpy Old Man this season, until the gloves come off next week. But most of the stuff I wanted to do, like compile the flip flops of Newt and Mitt, the old school racism of Ron Paul that bears fruit in Rand Paul, have all been done in the Washington Post and Daily Beast, so I need some new political gaffes for inspiration. I wonder what Sarah Palin's message is for the holidays?

I'm constantly amazed at how, there's no other way to say it, incredibly stupid our intelligence services are. The phrase "military intelligence" has become a standard oxymoron, yet the CIA is in a class by itself. I'm waiting to see what develops from the story of the Finnish police finding 160 tons of explosives laying around exposed on deck of a Dutch cargo ship, and 69 Patriot missiles in boxes marked as fireworks. Hopefully, the excuses will be more inventive than the one from the CEO of the shipping company: "There must have been a mistake..." I wouldn't be too surprised to find that Oliver North had a hand in this, or maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic... nor would it be surprising if the ship were to stop in Yemen or Bahrain, offloading its boxes of "fireworks..."

Even dumber than losing a secret-type drone in Iran, is sending an Arizona born man of Iranian descent back to Iran, and trying to have him pass on bogus information to the Iranian intelligence service in order to try and infiltrate them, or at least get them to recognize our guy as a credible source of info. They chose an ex-Marine, who also worked as a mercenary for some of the CIA fronted private companies, someone who has a murky past and would look suspicious if anybody checked up on him... Now he's in an Iranian jail, and I doubt we have anyone leftover from our last trade to swap for this guy, we warned you we'd disavow you when you accepted the job...

Throw in protesting the British Embassy in Tehran that resulted in its closing, and there is a much reduced footprint of western intelligence in Iran during these months that lead up to the next presidential election. Less chance that the CIA and other oxymoronic services will be able to reproduce the protests that accompanied the last elections. Barring any Iranian candidate from corrupt actions and ballot stuffing, which is guaranteed to happen, maybe it won't be so brazen to offend even the most conservative...

What is it with the right wing conservative element in each country, that they never support human rights and dignity? Let's get Newt to answer with Ron Paul before the Iowa caucus...

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