Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Back, Trickster Rules Republican Politics

"In a surprise move, this mo"Herman Cain seemed to sense his supporters needed something to lift their spirits, which is what led to Herman Cain saying the greatest nine words ever spoken by an American politician: 'I believe these words came from the Pokemon movie…'" –Jon Stewart

"Herman Cain announced Saturday he was suspending his campaign. He brought his wife with him, so apparently he couldn't get a date. I guess he used up all his 9-9-9 lives. The closest he got to the White House was spending the night at Ginger White's house." –Jay Leno

"The good news: unemployment is down and people are out looking for work. That's good news. In fact today Herman Cain applied at Domino's, Pizza Hut, Round Table, and Little Caesars..." –Jay Leno

"This morrning Herman Cain's penis announced it's still in the race."  - Conan O'Brien

I'm baack... my old laptop died and I had no way to access the Internet, so this blog has been neglected for the last three weeks. I could have gone to the library every day and used their system, but then my sister's car broke down, and we've also been stranded at home. I ended up getting a Toshiba laptop, and am now acclimating to using Windows again, as an operating system. I hate Internet Explorer, it's not as easy to use as Safari was, and Safari was set up better for research. I haven't figured out how to paste photos into my blog with either Explorer or Chrome yet, the relearning curve is frustrating...

Even more frustrating, was the Internet withdrawals I went through, just like any other addiction. I've been using computers on a regular basis for over  15 - 20 years, and the Internet has become part of my identity.
Though I am being passed by because I may never own a smart phone or ipad, and see no reason to develop apps or download any, I feign indifference because of my advancing years. I'm sure if I was younger I'd be a tweetmonster, living life in haiku-like phrases and thinking I was quite clever, especially now that every tweet ever made will be stored in the Library of Congress. Too bad they won't do that with blogs...
Unfortunately, in order to afford buying the laptop, I had to forgo some pleasures in life. I suspended my subscription to the NY Times for three months, and canceled my outstanding order of cigars, and hope that I can get through the next few months on my limited monthly income.

There are beings out there that feed on human misery, the more violent the better. They are part of every culture yet remain hidden and unidentified except as parts of fantasy and myths.These minor demons, or djinns, are firmly established in the Middle East; which may explain why almost every peaceful protest or movement ends up in a blood-bath. The psychic Stuart Wilde has said that after we die our souls tend to hang out circling the earth like an aura, and after all of the violent deaths from WW11, the aura surrounding our planet went from positive to negative, and it has accelerated the death of our planet. In the fight of good versus evil, evil has already won  and it's time for our souls to travel on and fight over the next inhabitable planet...

Or not... But, if you don't want to question why every Muslim country enjoys killing each other and blowing each other up, then being ruled and influenced by some kind of lords of chaos may be your best bet for conversation. Can you prove that Bashar al-Assad and his family are sane, not under the influence of evil djinns? Or the country of Pakistan?

Because blood-thirsty Americans certainly aren't afraid of conservative Muslims, aren't they their fellow businessmen and best friends and trading partners? Both don't want too much change in society and will vilify each other - look at all of the articles warning what might happen if the big, bad Muslim Brotherhood wins the Egyptian election. Let them learn their own lessons how unreasonable and crazy the religious right really are...

Here in America, we are obviously in thrall to the Indian trickster manitous, what other reason explains the last few years of behavior by the Republican Party? When the GOP means " I'm not a witch," to Herman Cain quoting the Pokemon movie, the current crop of Republican candidates all seem like they have escaped from the loony bin. Otherwise sane people act like gibbering fools on debates and we treat this behavior seriously, as if it was presidential material... How else to explain all this than the old Indian curses coming true, letting the Trickster use his perverse sense of humor to tear down and destroy our corrupted system... It's about as logical as asking the Iranians to please return our spy drone because we don't want them to have the technology... It's about as logical as leaving soldiers in Iraq after Dec 31st and expecting them to not be shot at... It's like expecting something logical in a Rick Perry speech, or humility and honesty in one from Newt Gingrich...

I've missed reading my digital newspapers and have been going to the library for these past few weeks, catching up on some local history and myths. In Colorado, it often feels like there are more myths than actual events by real people, and my waking and dream moments tend to blend together. So, I'm thankful for the Internet back in my life, where I can just skim through the news and opinions each day, pretending once again to be a pundit.

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