Thursday, December 29, 2011

I Spy With My Little Eye...

The American born spy whom we sent to Iran has given a confession, and is being given a speedy trial. It began today, and may soon be over, because they might be able to use him as a trading pawn in the near future. The US is preparing another round of sanctions and may try to stop the sale of Iranian crude oil...

This is all regular political maneuvering, and the next part is pretty mundane, except how the announcements are delivered. Iran uses its state-owned television to make most of its major announcements, most of the time people have to listen to a two-hour speech just to get to the policy statements at the end. I think that the reason why the government uses it so much, is that it's one of the few countries where the media isn't owned and dominated by Rupert Murdoch... Fit in-between the pirated Walt Disney movies... Iran got a little shrill and said that it would block the Straight of Hormuz, all 23 miles of it, so no ship could get out of the Persian Gulf.

The US Fifth Fleet responded, by e-mail, that it would never happen, and they would do their best to keep it uncluttered and clear, since its considered to be international waters. I wonder if we are working towards one of those trigger events that the US and Israel agreed to, that would allow Israel to bomb Iran's nuclear facilities?

The US will also continue to use drones to monitor the situation. Evidently they don't believe that Iranian Intelligence hacked into the drone that they recently captured. Using drones to criss cross the globe is a lot cheaper than using the spy satellites we already have in orbit. With the satellites, my father used to brag that they could count the hairs on a gnat's ass. The optic resolution is much better with drones, so I'm guessing that there's a lot of extraneous gnat pornography being viewed in trailers on the Nevada desert...

Weird how we are now using the Internet to announce official policy. Now I'm going to have to follow the Department of Defense on Twitter, and friend my favorite politicians on Facebook. I thought that Sarah Palin was a failure when she used Twitter to express herself, who knew that she impressed someone in the Pentagon?

 If you are a believer in conspiracy theories, then Twitter becomes part of the unconscious brain--washing of the public mind. By limiting people's expressions to 140 characters, we either limit our thought patterns or are making a generation of haiku masters. But, it limits the ability to have coherent thoughts. Coupled with the passive operant conditioning that happens when we watch television, with its rapid jump cutting from one image to the next, we learn to have shorter attention spans, just in time when the new masters of the universe take over at the end of 2012. A country run by Rick Perrys, Michele Bachmanns, and Newt Gingriches, all cheered on by the masses addicted to sweet tea...

RIP Cheetah

Monday, December 26, 2011

Iran Can Be Our New Friends, North Korea Too...

"Last night Rick Perry compared himself to Tim Tebow. The difference? Tim Tebow actually has a prayer." – Jay Leno

"The candidates all have their position on the Federal Reserve. Ron Paul is anti-Fed. Mitt Romney is pro-Fed. And Newt Gingrich is over-Fed." – Jay Leno

"USA Today reports that the number of death row executions this year has hit a 35-year low. They attribute that to DNA evidence clearing more people and the fact that Rick Perry has been on the road campaigning. " – Jay Leno

"Gary Busey has just withdrawn his endorsement of Newt Gingrich. That's when you know your campaign's in trouble. " – Jay Leno

I don't have any lists of books or favorite news events that rocked my world for 2011, lord knows there are plenty of other blogs where they do such things. Then, I don't have some crappy editor to answer to, just myself, and I tend to let myself slide a lot. The only discipline I try to adhere to is keeping my writing to a few paragraphs, and not making references that are too obscure. Almost all news stories can be found in the New York Times or the Washington Post, though I often read a lot more sources. I'm in the process of adding source sites to my new laptop, and will soon add and subtract more blogs that I like. I have the ads in my blog because they were supposed to make some extra money, yet, to date, I've made less than $5 from Google ads, and MSNBC won't return my e-mails... So, I will have to rethink the ad thing. I have asked a couple of friends if they'd like to add content, but so far everyone has declined. It looks like I will still be the only author, and I will try to publish every two or three days, as a labor of love...

There's been a couple of signs that Kim Jong-un will be less severe as a "Beloved Leader" than his father and grandfather were. When his father died, there were military troops out on maneuvers, and one of the first orders Jong-un gave was to have them all return to their bases, giving some reassurance that they weren't going to over-run the borders. Second, he has received a delegation of diplomats from South Korea. Indications are that he's easier to talk to. Since he's only 28 years old, we might think about sending Kim Kardashian over as Ambassador, or our secret weapons of Beyonce and Christina Aguilara... If we make an effort, we could normalize relations with North Korea and change the tone of the whole region. I'm guessing, but I'll bet that North Korea wouldn't mind being more economically successful...

Another country that we might be able to have better relations with is Iran. Of course, we'd have to stop calling each other Satan and the Axis of Evil (if you want to use this to rename your rock band, you have my permission), and making other dumb accusations... For example, a New York judge has ruled that Iran is linked with al-Qaeda to the 9/11 attack, which is just not true. It's propaganda made up by the conservative elements in our State Dept to create guilt by association. Iran has never been friends with al-Qaeda, other than to sell them roadside bombs and suicide vests, but that's just business. Iran kept members of Osama bin Laden's family, a wife and some children, as hostages. They lived in some comfort in a compound on the outskirts of Tehran, and was Iran's guarantee that al-Qaeda would leave their country alone. Of course, Iran gets more mileage out of demonizing the US, take away the Great Satan as an enemy, and they wouldn't have any scapegoats to hide their mistakes and corruption, the Grand Ayatollah wouldn't last much longer as Supreme Leader ( OK, how about Supreme Leader and the Ayatollahs for another rock band's name???)

The most important event of this last year was the Arab Spring, how it evolved from a single man's protest to circle the globe and influence movements against corruption in the US, in Russia, and even in China. It remains a positive, inspired influence despite areas that devolved into violence in Egypt, Syria, and Yemen. Even in those places, the end results is a struggle away from autocratic styled rule to a more democratic one, unless you are a woman or a member of a minority tribe... It's just a few steps on a long journey in the right direction...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas To Our Spy In An Iranian Jail

Hope your holidays will be filled with fun and family. I finally got my order of cigars, they weren't the ones I had back-ordered, but they are good enough, to get me through all of the football games during the next week. I have been trying to not write about the posse of GOP candidates, as it's too easy to make fun of them. I'm a gentler, kinder Grumpy Old Man this season, until the gloves come off next week. But most of the stuff I wanted to do, like compile the flip flops of Newt and Mitt, the old school racism of Ron Paul that bears fruit in Rand Paul, have all been done in the Washington Post and Daily Beast, so I need some new political gaffes for inspiration. I wonder what Sarah Palin's message is for the holidays?

I'm constantly amazed at how, there's no other way to say it, incredibly stupid our intelligence services are. The phrase "military intelligence" has become a standard oxymoron, yet the CIA is in a class by itself. I'm waiting to see what develops from the story of the Finnish police finding 160 tons of explosives laying around exposed on deck of a Dutch cargo ship, and 69 Patriot missiles in boxes marked as fireworks. Hopefully, the excuses will be more inventive than the one from the CEO of the shipping company: "There must have been a mistake..." I wouldn't be too surprised to find that Oliver North had a hand in this, or maybe I'm just feeling nostalgic... nor would it be surprising if the ship were to stop in Yemen or Bahrain, offloading its boxes of "fireworks..."

Even dumber than losing a secret-type drone in Iran, is sending an Arizona born man of Iranian descent back to Iran, and trying to have him pass on bogus information to the Iranian intelligence service in order to try and infiltrate them, or at least get them to recognize our guy as a credible source of info. They chose an ex-Marine, who also worked as a mercenary for some of the CIA fronted private companies, someone who has a murky past and would look suspicious if anybody checked up on him... Now he's in an Iranian jail, and I doubt we have anyone leftover from our last trade to swap for this guy, we warned you we'd disavow you when you accepted the job...

Throw in protesting the British Embassy in Tehran that resulted in its closing, and there is a much reduced footprint of western intelligence in Iran during these months that lead up to the next presidential election. Less chance that the CIA and other oxymoronic services will be able to reproduce the protests that accompanied the last elections. Barring any Iranian candidate from corrupt actions and ballot stuffing, which is guaranteed to happen, maybe it won't be so brazen to offend even the most conservative...

What is it with the right wing conservative element in each country, that they never support human rights and dignity? Let's get Newt to answer with Ron Paul before the Iowa caucus...

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mayan Calendar, Finland Confiscates 69 Patriot Missiles, Newt's New Ethics Complaint

According to the Mayan calendar, we have one year left until the end of the world. Will it be one big party, or will there be such large natural disasters that we will be too busy to notice? NASA is predicting some large solar flares this next year, that could possible damage every computer on earth. Survivalists say that most communities have about two or three days of food available in stores, and all it takes is six or seven days without food and water before we turn feral and start attacking each other with guns. So the timeline from something like a solar flare to where we go feral and kill each other off is less than two weeks... From this kind of a scenario, the ascension of the faithful seems a lot more desirous, unless its the mother-ship that sucks them up, ready to perform anal dissection like we were some kind of supersnax...

From Bruce Cockburn's Last Night of the World:

I've seen the flame of hope among the hopeless
And that was truly the biggest heartbreak of all
That was the straw that broke me open
If this were the last night of the world
What would I do?
What would I do that was different
Unless it was champagne with you?

Here's a news item that will quickly vanish, and we may never know the outcome, from the AP: "The Finnish authorities on Wednesday impounded 160 tons of explosives and 69 surface-to-air Patriot missiles that were found on a British-flagged cargo ship. While the ship’s ultimate destination was Shanghai, officials said, it was not clear where the weapons were bound.

The cargo ship, M/S Thor Liberty, sailed from the German port of Emden on Dec. 13 and two days later docked in Kotka, Finland, to pick up a cargo of anchor chains, said a Finnish Customs spokesman, Petri Lounatmaa.

Investigating officers did not know the origin of the missiles or who was supposed to receive them, Mr. Lounatmaa said. “We have impounded the explosives and missiles and asked the Defense Ministry to transport and store them,” he said. At this point, he said, it had not been determined “if the Thor Liberty planned a drop before its port of destination in China.”

Detective Superintendent Timo Virtanen of the National Bureau of Investigation said dock workers found the explosives stored on open pallets instead of in closed containers. They alerted inspectors, who found the missiles in containers that were marked as fireworks. Interior Minister Paivi Rasanen said she had not heard of a similar case. “Of course, there are legal transports of weapons or defense material, but in this case the cargo was marked as containing fireworks,” Ms. Rasanen told the national broadcaster YLE TV. “That is quite unusual.”

The questions asked is, who is buying the weapons, and who is sending them? On the surface, it seems the Brits are up to something, but since 80% of intelligence forces are hired third parties, the missiles could be shipped by anybody acting as a middle-man. The farther from a government agency, the better the deniability. Patriot missiles are US made, and it would be scary to think that someone other than the US military can get their hands on 69 missiles. So, who do we secretly want to send missiles and munitions to between Finland and China? Probably either Libya, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia brokered out of a NATO stockpile in Britain... Flip the scenario if the explosives were brokered privately, then the whole mess could be destined for Palestine or Iran.. It could be that this is how an indebted country like Spain plans to get out of debt, not to rely on bailouts... To add to the Doomsday script, Russia just announced that it is building the world's largest bomb, to be called SATAN...

"How is it that voters loathe Obama, with a personal history of high moral standing and liberal policies, while supporting a conservative with a history of immorality?" - Walter Rogers

I almost feel bad about relating this next tidbit, joining with the GOP presidential candidates in attacking Newt Gingrich, hitting him from all angles until he no longer is the frontrunner... Mr Nasty is proclaiming to be running a positive, clean campaign, with no negative ads, and he's complaining, whining actually, over how he is being treated. We'll see how long that promise lasts, because everyone else is just lambasting him, with over 1200 negative ads against him in Iowa, so far...

A new ethics violation of the campaign laws has been filed against Newt's campaign, on how he is making personal money from public donations, specifically paying himself for the use of a: " personal mailing list. The Post reports that Gingrich paid himself for the list, even as the campaign was struggling to pay off nearly $1.2 million it owed to other vendors.

But the CREW complaint alleges that Gingrich never actually owned the list, noting that it has never been disclosed among the candidate's personal assets. Instead, the government watchdog claims that the list belonged to Gingrich Productions, the production company run by Gingrich's wife Callista.

“Newt Gingrich will do anything to make a buck, even sell his own mailing list to his campaign,” CREW executive director Melanie Sloan told Business Insider. "Of course, he has a long history of playing fast and loose with ethics rules, so this should come as a surprise to no one."

CREW also accuses Gingrich of improperly mixing campaign events and book sales. Referencing a recent New York Times article, the complaint alleges that while campaigning, Gingrich uses corporate funds from Gingrich Productions to subsidize his campaign events, while also using his rallies to push his book sales.

For example, at book signings, the Gingrichs collect the names of people waiting in line and put it on their political mailing list. At the same time, proceeds from the books go directly to the Gingrichs, not to the campaign. “There seems to be an uptick in candidates using campaign funds to enrich themselves," Sloan said. "And it looks like Gingrich is finding every way possible to gather names for his lists – he is crossing lines that he is not legally allowed to cross.

Gingrich's campaign has denied any wrongdoing, stating that the campaign and Gingrich Productions keep finances separate. "If the FEC considers the complaint, they will find that the rules are being followed and published regulations are being enforced," campaign spokesman R.C. Hammond said in a statement today, responding to the complaint."

Many people consider Newt's rise to front runner as a fluke, that all he really wanted to do was make money from his website, and feeding the addiction of public adulation by being in front of television cameras. He pretty much sucked as a history teacher, was denied tenure by his peers at West Georgia College, wherever that is, but that has developed into his current incarnation as teacher to the whole country, and grand intellectual of the GOP...

Monday, December 19, 2011

Take The Last Train To Pyongyang

George W Bush's Axis of Evil just lost another rung with the death of North Korea's Kim Jong-il. Now we're going to have to refer to Iran as the Axle of Evil, or if we want to appeal to a slightly younger crowd, the Axl Rose of Evil...

According to the Korean media, the Beloved Leader died of a heart attack a couple of days ago, while he was on his personal train choogling around the countryside. Because parts of North Korea is a bit backwards, they had to ice the corpse down for the two day trip back to the capitol. This gave everyone time to compose themselves and decide if they were going to support Kim's heir, young Kim Jung-un, or drown him in a freak accident...

We'll see what happens over the next few weeks, what kind of a man Jung-un turns out to be. Will he be as crazy as his father and grandfather, or will he become a stooge for the miltary, or will he hide in his room playing World of Warcraft? South Korea isn't taking any chances, they are beefing up troops at the border, and China is dispatching a lot of diplomats, hoping to keep the situation stable.

North Korea has made paranoia an institution for the last sixty years, saying that all of their ignorance, poverty, and stunted sense of culture is because the USA wanted to invade and annihilate them. Only the diligence of their military and Beloved Leaders stood in our way. Unfortunately, the rest of the world pretty much forgot about them unless they produced a tantrum to get the world's attention. And just like all other countries run by their military and intelligence officers, they stole their citizens blind...

Here's hoping that young Kim Jong-un can step up and bring his country into the 21st century, but as cynical as I am, I doubt that continuing a corrupt line of dictatorship will be the way to do it... And here's hoping there will be enough time to make those changes, before our blood-thirsty politicians start hollering for "regime change..."

Saturday, December 17, 2011

End Of Iraq War, Who Noticed?

"Mitt Romney tried to make a $10,000 bet with Rick Perry during a presidential debate. Well, who says the Republicans are rich snobs out of touch with the common man?" – Jay Leno

"A campaign staffer on the Newt Gingrich campaign was fired because he was making negative comments about Mormons. I thought, 'Wait a minute, isn't Newt in favor of multiple wives?'" –David Letterman

"Ron Paul is in favor of letting states legalize marijuana, prostitution, and cocaine. So even if he doesn't win, that's going to be one heck of an election night party." –Jay Leno

Well, Congress is finished for the year, and the War in Iraq is officially over; we got a two-fer... Now comes the articles trying to spin the arguments that going to Iraq was a good thing to do in the first place. Hey, Saddam Hussein was a bad man and we did a favor by taking him out. Ok, that explains our actions for one month of one year, what did we do during the other nine years and 11 months that was constructive? They cannot even provide consistent days with electricity, one of those infrastructure projects we paid Haliburton $1.8 billion for that they never begun...

The Center for American Progress is trying to determine the cost of the war: "Coalition deaths totaled 4,803, of which 4,484 (93 percent) were American. The number of Americans wounded was 32,200. At least 463 non-Iraqi contractors were killed. Iraqi civilian deaths are estimated to total between 103,674 and 113,265. The UNHCR says the war resulted in 1.24 million internally displaced persons and more than 1.6 million refugees.

The Congressional Research Service puts the dollar cost of Operation Iraqi Freedom at $806 billion.
The cost for veteran's benefits was $422 billion."

So far, nobody has begun to tally up the amount of money that went through charities, another one of the biggest money-making scams out there. Less than five cents out of every dollar donated actually goes to a project. Projects are often abandoned or made haphazardly so they don't last.... The lack of oversight makes it impossible to determine if any charitable project has helped, the honest, good ones are very few and far between.

Probably the most  dangerous thing we are leaving in Iraq, is Nuri al-Maliki in charge. He has a tendency towards autocracy, and could easily turn into a Saddam Mini-Me, even though he has said that he won't run again.  Who knows if he gave away the secret to bringing down our drone to his BFF's in Iran?

There weren't any major parties or ceremonies to celebrate the Americans leaving, many units just packed up and left in the dead of night, without telling their Iraqi partners. Leon Panetta did show up to help fold the last American flag. Really, it must have been an awkward situation, err, sorry that we killed so many of your people, hope you like your democracy... The main problem is that a democratic Iraq won't survive for long surrounded by so many dictatorships like Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia to destabilize it. The best hope is for the spirit of the Arab Spring bringing down those governments and entering Iraq to change it from within...

If you are a hawk like the GOP presidential candidates, except for Ron Paul, you can take comfort that we haven't pulled very far from Iraq, just to Kuwait and Bahrain, where we'll be able to re-invade at a moments notice. Who knows, perhaps we'll be able to manufacture a crisis before the primaries, if not the presidential election...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Frontrunners, One's a Mudder...

Dana Milbank
Thomas Friedman

"Gingrich and his rivals are most definitely for sale. The Republican nominating contest resembles nothing so much as a Christie’s wine auction, as candidates accept, and toss about, dollar figures beyond the comprehension of the people they would serve." - Dana Milbank
“Zany is not what we need in a president. Zany is great in a campaign. It’s great on talk radio. It’s great in print, it makes for fun reading,” - Mit Romney

Go, Mit, go! Mit is hitting hard back at Newt Gingrich, who passed him in the polls as the front-runner in Iowa. Of course, nobody else in America really cares what they think in Iowa unless you are a reporter or an Iowan. Then, its only some Iowans who care, those of the conservative persuasion, a few old white people and a handful of college kids who think they are rebelling by being boring. No, I meant kids who grew up in a conservative, religious environment and haven't the tools to think for themselves, yet. It's said that over 50% of people who attend the caucus are evangelical Christians, who aren't all that happy with either Mit or Newt, neither who have been consistent in their beliefs.

I've never been to Iowa, so I can only generalize about them, but we have caucasus here in Colorado, and it does feel very old fashioned and down-home going to one. I can't say how the Democrats conduct theirs, but my local little dictators really don't like to hear much variety of opinion. One of our rising young stars is the woman who thought up the personhood amendments when she was a mere home-schooled girl of sixteen... I get to feel vastly superior to everyone, as I sip my Starbuck's latte... but it really is an interesting way to conduct politics, even if we don't identify ourselves as a farming community.

If I were to vote for anyone right now, it would probably be Ron Paul, if only to see if he could slash the military budget and legalize marijuana. Ron is a true Libertarian in that he is a strange brew of solid ideas that you'd like to see enacted, mixed with some crazy shit that would drive the rulers of the GOP crazy, with some truly batshit ideas that should never see the light of day. But they do, in every speech he gives... The source for his ideas aren't just from obscure Austrian economists, but also from folks like the John Birch Society. I didn't even know that the John Birch Society still existed until I watched Ron Paul address them on CSPAN a couple of years ago. Needless to say, I had a creepy Friday evening...

When Newt first came to Congress, he vowed to enact a Contract with America, to move the policies of the government towards the right, and began the obstructionist behavior to try and get his way. He was known for being a nasty person, making more enemies than friends. We may never know the veracity of the ethics violations that were brought against him, but the end result was that his own Republican Party forced him to resign. One day you're Speaker of the House, the next you're selling books on a website and lobbying for Freddie Mac... What remained is a self-absorbed, pompous man who would lie to us and think nothing of it.

What it comes down to, can any of the GOP candidates beat Barack Obama in both a debate and the next election? Remember when Obama took on the entire Republican Congress in give and take, and creamed them all? As long as the Republicans keep on blindly trying to stop Obama at any cost, they will never come up with any practical solutions that the public can get behind. This is what happens when a political party has been taken over by a bunch of bitter, negative, rich men...

Who knows, maybe Rick Santorum will win, then he can demand that Google stops directing people who look up his last name to those web sites that define the word "santorum" as something that leaks out of the anus after sex...

Monday, December 12, 2011

I'm Back, Trickster Rules Republican Politics

"In a surprise move, this mo"Herman Cain seemed to sense his supporters needed something to lift their spirits, which is what led to Herman Cain saying the greatest nine words ever spoken by an American politician: 'I believe these words came from the Pokemon movie…'" –Jon Stewart

"Herman Cain announced Saturday he was suspending his campaign. He brought his wife with him, so apparently he couldn't get a date. I guess he used up all his 9-9-9 lives. The closest he got to the White House was spending the night at Ginger White's house." –Jay Leno

"The good news: unemployment is down and people are out looking for work. That's good news. In fact today Herman Cain applied at Domino's, Pizza Hut, Round Table, and Little Caesars..." –Jay Leno

"This morrning Herman Cain's penis announced it's still in the race."  - Conan O'Brien

I'm baack... my old laptop died and I had no way to access the Internet, so this blog has been neglected for the last three weeks. I could have gone to the library every day and used their system, but then my sister's car broke down, and we've also been stranded at home. I ended up getting a Toshiba laptop, and am now acclimating to using Windows again, as an operating system. I hate Internet Explorer, it's not as easy to use as Safari was, and Safari was set up better for research. I haven't figured out how to paste photos into my blog with either Explorer or Chrome yet, the relearning curve is frustrating...

Even more frustrating, was the Internet withdrawals I went through, just like any other addiction. I've been using computers on a regular basis for over  15 - 20 years, and the Internet has become part of my identity.
Though I am being passed by because I may never own a smart phone or ipad, and see no reason to develop apps or download any, I feign indifference because of my advancing years. I'm sure if I was younger I'd be a tweetmonster, living life in haiku-like phrases and thinking I was quite clever, especially now that every tweet ever made will be stored in the Library of Congress. Too bad they won't do that with blogs...
Unfortunately, in order to afford buying the laptop, I had to forgo some pleasures in life. I suspended my subscription to the NY Times for three months, and canceled my outstanding order of cigars, and hope that I can get through the next few months on my limited monthly income.

There are beings out there that feed on human misery, the more violent the better. They are part of every culture yet remain hidden and unidentified except as parts of fantasy and myths.These minor demons, or djinns, are firmly established in the Middle East; which may explain why almost every peaceful protest or movement ends up in a blood-bath. The psychic Stuart Wilde has said that after we die our souls tend to hang out circling the earth like an aura, and after all of the violent deaths from WW11, the aura surrounding our planet went from positive to negative, and it has accelerated the death of our planet. In the fight of good versus evil, evil has already won  and it's time for our souls to travel on and fight over the next inhabitable planet...

Or not... But, if you don't want to question why every Muslim country enjoys killing each other and blowing each other up, then being ruled and influenced by some kind of lords of chaos may be your best bet for conversation. Can you prove that Bashar al-Assad and his family are sane, not under the influence of evil djinns? Or the country of Pakistan?

Because blood-thirsty Americans certainly aren't afraid of conservative Muslims, aren't they their fellow businessmen and best friends and trading partners? Both don't want too much change in society and will vilify each other - look at all of the articles warning what might happen if the big, bad Muslim Brotherhood wins the Egyptian election. Let them learn their own lessons how unreasonable and crazy the religious right really are...

Here in America, we are obviously in thrall to the Indian trickster manitous, what other reason explains the last few years of behavior by the Republican Party? When the GOP means " I'm not a witch," to Herman Cain quoting the Pokemon movie, the current crop of Republican candidates all seem like they have escaped from the loony bin. Otherwise sane people act like gibbering fools on debates and we treat this behavior seriously, as if it was presidential material... How else to explain all this than the old Indian curses coming true, letting the Trickster use his perverse sense of humor to tear down and destroy our corrupted system... It's about as logical as asking the Iranians to please return our spy drone because we don't want them to have the technology... It's about as logical as leaving soldiers in Iraq after Dec 31st and expecting them to not be shot at... It's like expecting something logical in a Rick Perry speech, or humility and honesty in one from Newt Gingrich...

I've missed reading my digital newspapers and have been going to the library for these past few weeks, catching up on some local history and myths. In Colorado, it often feels like there are more myths than actual events by real people, and my waking and dream moments tend to blend together. So, I'm thankful for the Internet back in my life, where I can just skim through the news and opinions each day, pretending once again to be a pundit.