Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mavericks Go Back to Normal

Governor Palin has returned to Alaska, and local politicians there are wondering how much she has been changed by her campaign experience. The 2009 budget is due next month, 85% of the state's revenue comes from oil taxes, and it remains to be seen if the lowering prices on oil will have any affect. Certainly, if oil prices continue to drop, the next year's budget may have to dip into their reserve funds.

She had been seen as a moderate Republican who courted favor with Democrats. After branding Barack Obama as a socialist who hung out with terrorists, her old allies are wondering who the real Sarah Palin is. Of course it was just empty rhetoric trying to excite an ignorant base, but now the more right wing politicians are hoping to have better access to her and her support for their legislature. She seems to have calmed down, and has downplayed her previous theatrical pronouncement over Ted Stevens.

This whole tempest over the clothes that were bought for her and her family has been pretty silly. Of course the RNC wanted to have her look her best, at least on par with how Cindy McCain dressed, so they provided her with new frocks. And yes, there is a certain amount of cynicism and sexism involved, since nobody questioned the price of John McCain's or Barack Obama's good suits. Her RNC handlers were dismayed having to watch over what they considered an unsophisticated hick, and leaked stories to the press about her for petty revenge. Sarah, keep the clothes, make them pay for every slight and condescending gesture. Play the diva, act like Caribou Barbie...

On a similar note, John McCain's fellow Senators are curious what kind of creature will be slouching towards Congress. Will it be the old maverick or the new indecision maker? John made a lot of friends back when he was the victim of George Bush's ill will, but now that he has been the dispenser of character slurs and dirty tricks, will he be able to roll up his sleeves and help in a constructive fashion?

My local county here in Colorado, El Paso, was one of the few where there was a Republican majority. Now, we are getting letters to the editor about how the Republican Party must begin to weed out left leaning thought, purge the moderates if we are to remain pure and loyal to the foundations of our country. Sounds more like fascism to me; some people just don't get it...

1 comment:

  1. We need to get back to the core Republican values that makes our party great. Less government, lower taxes, personal responsibility. We have gotten so far away from what makes sense that I sometimes wonder if I'm still a Republican.

    The party has to unite -- right now -- and create a united front on the issues that are most important to us. We have to support those that support us and make sure that our voices are not drown out by those that would rather have more government. I was surfing around the US Chamber site and I found this video. . .

    The message is timely -- we have to unite and move our agenda forward.


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