Friday, February 23, 2018

GunProtests, Ivanka and Sara Escape to South Korea

I've been really impressed with the teens from Parkland, Florida, who have been waging gun control protests at the state capital n Tallahassee, and when they are interviewed by national media. Like everyone else, I was surprised at how articulate they are, and how they are transforming their grief and anger into a constructive outlet, giving the NRA and Marco Rubio hell. To me, it means that our education system works better than Betty DeVoss and her anti-public education cronies let on... If a bunch of high school students from all over our country can influence change now, think what they might accomplish in a couple of years when they become eligible to vote, which is in 2020...

What was disconcerting was how quickly rumors spread intended to smear these kids, thought up by adults who disagree with their stance on gun legislation, and a few Russian facebook bots still controlled from St. Petersburg.  A white supremacist group claimed that the 19 year old shooter with the last name of Cruz was one of theirs. Some kids were supposed to be actors posing as grief-stricken victims

Ironically the Republicans themselves have places where they ban handguns, rifles, and the people who would carry them publicly. The most obvious place is the White House, which just adds to the bluster of Donald's pro-gun stance. The other White House at Mar-a-lago also bans guns, knives, stun guns, and won't give them back if they confiscate yours. Donald Trump also banned people carrying firearms at the Republican National Convention and at his campaign rallies, while touting his support for open-carry laws.

Your Congressfolk ban guns from the Capital Building, keeping the floors and galleries free from gun toting Patriots. And lastly, Republicans ban guns and their owners from their Townhall meetings, considering constituents who are packing to be too dangerous to their life and  political health... Because the adult response has been, lets have more guns in the schools, the NRA says let's train teachers how to shoot and carry firearms, not like the armed guard who hid outside and didn't go into the high school to confront a kid armed with an AR-15... So, we'll have more stonewalling from the GOP until we vote in people with teenagers of their own, maybe then they'll listen...

Round 1 at the Olympics between Mike Pence and lil' Kim Yo ended with a solid win for the plucky North Korean. Mike just demonstrated why he should never become President, exhibiting poor social skills and no diplomatic chops whatsoever... Donald didn't like that, so he has sent over his charming, vacuous daughter Ivanka to rule over the closing ceremonies. She brought along Sara Huckaby Sanders, who can provide the withering sarcasm if it is called for. The North Korean counterpart is a thug in a funny hat, who would be arrested by the South Korean intelligence if he didn't have diplomatic immunity.

Two things bother me: one, is the Donald's blatant copycat style, and two, the racism involved assuming that the Koreans would automatically accept a tall, white woman as being prettier and more charming over a fellow Korean woman... Ivanka maybe stepping into a few briar-patches, we'll see if Sara can talk her way out of them...

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Trump and Putin Don't Know How To Use Computers and Troll the Internet...

I learned a new term this morning while reading Paul Krugman's opinion piece in the New York Times: we live in a kakistocracy, a nation ruled by the worst... at first, I thought it was similar to naming groups of animals with colorful names, a gaggle of geese, a pod of whales, a murder of crows. He was complaining that the GOP had become the home for " a party built around bad faith, around pretending that its concerns and goals are very different than what they really are. Flag waving claims of patriotism, pious invocations of morality, stern warning of fiscal probity are all cover stories for an underlying agenda mainly concerned with making plutocrats even richer... " I have been saying the same thing ever since Sara Palin reared her sarcastic head upon the scene, but my terminology was limited to saying they all had sticks up their butts, and that Jeff Sessions and Ted Cruz reminded me of two types of creepy child molesters...

We are seeing the death of the two party political system and waiting for credible alternatives that
aren't run by local crack-pots... We get all of the chaos of living history in real time, stirred to a frenzy by the Orange-Haired Mad Hatter. In the year since he's been in office, Donald has told or Tweeted over 2,000 provable lies, and never admitted to any of them. This has created a sense of trickle-down denial, flowing through Mike Pence, John Kelly, Sarah Sanders and others to the sewer lines and on towards the polluted seas... People have always been frustrated by this lack of responsibility and double-speak. Ironically, it may be what got Donald elected, but probably will also kick him and his corrupt cabinet out of office in 2020... In the meantime, don't be so shocked at the pettiness he reacts to, I'd be frothing at the mouth if I watched Fox and Friends every morning, putting a crick in my two typing fingers before 7 AM...

So, 13 Russian citizens have been indicted for trying to interfere with our last election. The information is pretty damning, and exposes how naïve many US voters really are, lacking in skills of critical thinking. Worse, the bots created by the Russian hacker groups are still alive and trying to add to the divisive nature of our national conversations. I believe it was the Washington Post who reported thousands of twitter posts from these fake accounts on the Parkland, Florida shootings, and our need to find ways to prevent another horrible incident. The intent is to make the issue more polarizing and create a little more chaos.

Both Trump and Putin share the older generation's lack of interest in the Internet, and lacking knowledge on how to use a computer. Putin doesn't need to create fake news from fake people in
Russia because he does it the old-school KGB way; putting your opponents in jail, shutting down websites, beating people up, torturing them, and poisoning them with radioactive polonium, all ways that we frown on... In Russia, they film you with prostitutes, in America, we pay them off with $130,000 checks. No wonder that our porn industry had been taken over by Russian and Czech mobsters, is this a great country or what!!?? Another reason that Republicans are giving so much slack to Putin is they are using some of the FSB's playbook of dirty tricks on their own political opponents; perhaps they are wishing for the East Coast to become the next Crimea...

Hey, if you want the NRA to act more responsibly, the solution is simple: have all of the activists who believe in gun laws and accountability join the NRA. Then, they could get someone more simpatico elected to national office and change things from within... Or you could always do it the Russian way and donate enough money to subvert ol' Wayne; he'll do just about anything to keep that spigot turned on to support his lifestyle...

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Donald Trump's Daily Intelligence...

Donald Trump has an attention span problem, and cannot sit and focus long enough to read anything longer than a tweet. Remember when he used to make fun of his opponents for using a teleprompter?
Now, having him read from one is the only way we can get something coherent from the Orange-in-Chief... And if you look at how he has read the last few speeches, it's obvious that he needs glasses and a speech coach...

The President's staff has had to come up with creative ways to present the daily intelligence report before Donald's eyes glaze over and he starts looking for a cheeseburger... oh, if only I were joking...

" I'm afraid it's the Russians again..."
Former heads of intelligence, who have participated in these daily reports, have been interviewed saying that they usually contain lots of raw data and details that would be edited or dropped in an oral hand-puppet version, no matter what you feel about the intellectual level of Sesame Street... This translates into embarrassment whenever Donald makes a statement in public that is not self-serving, he gets the facts wrong and mangles them.

I still think it's a good idea to send Mr. Trump out of the country every few months, how could it hurt? Let's send him with his Cabinet and Mike Pence on a fact-finding, sight-seeing tour of Turkey, Syria, and Iraq, we could make it a drinking game to see who makes it back. We could film their adventures and call it Political Survivor...

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Pence is No Diplomat, What is Jared Hiding?,

Mike Pence went to the Olympics and sat a few feet away from the sister of North Korea's  dictator, ignoring her existence. He did his best to imitate a butter sculpture. I haven't come up with a metaphor for his hair, which seems painted on his head like toothpaste... It was an undiplomatic dickish move, typical for someone who has spent half of their life freezing out people with whom he disagrees, not a very Christian thing to do... He didn't attend a dinner hosted by the South Korean Prime Minister, and avoided any other social affair where the two might rub noses. Ironically, Mike agreed to hand out some medals and had to give one to a North Korean athlete, I'm told that he didn't look him in the eye...

I never thought in a million years that I'd end up agreeing with Amarosa. She is participating in the new Celebrity Big Brother on television, and giving away gossipy tidbits of her impressions while working in the Trump White House. Her latest revelation is that we would be begging to have Trump back as president, if Mike Pence ended up with the top job. To paraphrase: He thinks that Jesus directly tells him things to say, revealing a more intimate relationship than a healthy human should have. It's clear enough that Mike has no morals, that he's a Christian in name only, besides, it's tough for him to think and speak clearly acting as Donald Trump's fluffer every day...

It's becoming an every day occurrence, someone from the Trump administration has to resign, or
another Congressman decides to retire and not run for re-election this November. And yet, because of gerrymandered districts, few Democrats may actually win...

The latest to depart is Rob Porter, who has been working with a temporary classified clearance. The FBI let the Trump administration that he probably would never have gotten a permanent clearance due to the allegations of domestic abuse from both of his ex-wives, backed up with police reports and photos of black eyes. Which makes one wonder, since Jared Kushner is also working with a temporary security clearance, what is it that is preventing the FBI from giving him a permanent one? And would that also extend to Ivanka? We know that the Trump family has used Russian money to finance projects since American banks won't loan to him because of his multiple filings for bankruptcy, and laundering money through real estate sales, how much does Jared Kushner tie into this or has he developed his own bad habits trying to support his felon of a father...?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Clapping With a Pair of Small, Treasonous Hands

Just a few quick tidbits with pictures: go Tesla!

Ground control to Major Tom...

Kim Jong-in has a sister, who knew? She is planning on attending the Winter Olympics with 200 cheerleaders for North Korea. I wonder, if someone gave her a pink pussy hat, would she wear it? She'll be sitting near Michael Pence, if we gave it to him, can we trust him to hand it to her without making some kind of weird scene?

A conservative gun owners association has been drinking too much kool aid. They are asserting that Liberals have been staging  school shootings and murders across the country just to get anti-gun control and ownership laws written and passed...

Because Donald Trump clapped for himself during his State of the Union Speech... Then he accused the grumpy Democrats of treason because they didn't go along and clap for him. He is now equating America with himself, like some two year old walking around and saying "MINE!"

And now he is telling the Pentagon that he wants a military parade better than France, Russia, or China... don't worry, the Pentagon will screw this up like every other military affair planned by Generals. Look at the newly unveiled racist and fascistic John Kelly, who kept an aide, Rob Porter, around even after knowing for months that he was an alleged domestic abuser. Even after photos from one ex-wife showing her with a black eye and bruises on her face, both John Kelly and Orrin Hatch testified to what a good man they believed him to be... and Mr. Porter has been working for a year without the proper security clearance because the FBI wouldn't give him one based on the testimony from his ex-wives...

We've been setting such a poor example of what a democracy can be that many countries are reverting back into dictatorships. Soon, the most democratic country will be Iran...

Dear Donald, Since you seem fixated on your standing ovations, constantly bragging about how many O's you receive, I got your next one right here:

Monday, February 5, 2018

Trump and Arpaio, Trump and Ivanka, The Next Wave of Pink Pussys

So, I was watching the Superbowl with my next-door neighbors, when I had a horrible thought: what if Donald Trump fires either the head of the FBI again, or the Assistant DA and replaces them with Arizona's Golden Belly, Joe Arpaio. Then, he and Jeff Sessions could fight over who can be the most anti-immigration in thought and deed, perhaps have a cage match to see who gets to be first in line to suck on Donald's pecker ( thanks again, Bill Hicks )... Flaunt a federal law is no problem, we can always get pardoned again... Ours is truly a dying democracy.

There are over 390 women running for Congress and state offices this year, almost all of them liberal and anti-Donald Trump... he who was the inspiration for the women's marches, with his piggish comments on grabbing them pussies... If you hang out in any large corporate boardroom or private club, you will hear this kind of coarse language as a matter of course, the mutterings from those nabobs of negativity... If all of those women were elected, and they all went to Congress to fill the floor of the House and Senate, and the galleries wearing their pink pussy hats, would it send a message plain enough so that Donald Trump could understand What's Goin' On... 

It's also time to start a few more political parties to replace the dysfunctional Republican Party, whose members have cravenly sold their souls and discarded such baubles like morals and a sense of decency, replacing them with nothing but meanness...

Speaking of trolls, I was browsing the internet for pictures that I could use, when I came across some disturbing ones involving Donald Trump and a teenage Ivanka. Is it just my feeble imagination, or is this father-daughter bond one toke over the line? Perhaps she is his favorite daughter because she gave him a lap-dance and engaged in other inappropriate behavior. I just can't see why Evangelicals give this guy a free pass, Mike Pence being the worst of them along with Tony Perkins...

Friday, February 2, 2018

New News-Links and New Attitude

I have been revising the news links, trying to add some interesting ones from around the world. Now, where else can you link to the Afghanistan Times? I will add and subtract according to the amount of good analysis I find...

From South Africa came the report that Lebanon will officially look more to Russia for help, not Iran or Hezbollah. It is in direct retaliation to the hostility growing between Lebanon and Israel, with Israel threatening to invade at any moment, and the US landing ground troops in Israel...

From Tehran came the news that Israel sent some jets to Gaza, while sending ground troops to the West Bank, looks like there's gonna be another fight... Neither stories have been reported in the US or Israeli newspapers yet, so either they don't find this very important, or the Israelis have decided to round up all of the Palestinians and deport the ones they don't kill... 😞

I also will try to post a lot more often and not take weeks or months off, discouraging whatever readership I once had. I thank the few who have read the past couple of posts, feel free to comment and start a dialogue, I will answer back. I don't have a staff or stable of writers, it's just me sitting in my living-room, typing on my tablet... Of course, times are changing, written blogs are falling by the wayside, and video blogs uploaded to Youtube seem to be the rage. The closest I came to that was exploring what it would take to do a podcast, but retirement finances soon put an end to those silly fantasies... I do enjoy watching videos uploaded to YouTube, but I usually end up watching Russian car crash videos, where everyone seems to have a camera on their dashboard, and drive around incredibly drunk... 👀