Friday, June 24, 2011

Friday Rant On Drawing Down Troops In Afghanistan


What is it good for?

Yesterday President Obama stated that he was reducing the troop level in Afghanistan by 33,000 troops this Summer, leaving the amount to pre-surge level. Immediately he was criticized for not leaving them there, as well as for not bringing them all home at once. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, but his decision makes sense. Now that Osama bin Laden is dead, we have no reason to be fighting the Taliban groups. The reason we gave for attacking Afghanistan at the time, was because the Taliban refused to give up Osama bin Laden to the US. Well, they actually offered him to us, but we ignored their offer and went ahead to the caves of Tora Bora, that had been excavated by the bin Laden Construction company for the CIA and the Pakistani secret service.

When we learned that Osama bin Laden no longer was in his nice, safe cave, we then went after the Taliban that had seized control of the government. The Taliban had been created by the CIA and Zbignew Brezhinski, with help and support from Pakistan and even Iran. An interesting book to read about the Taliban and the mujahadeen at Tora Bora is Idries Shah's book, called Kara Kush...

We then helped to establish an honest, democratically elected government that is dedicated towards helping the citizens of Afghanistan, spent billions of dollars on building schools and education, until now the country is a safe place to walk at night or drive around during the day, with officials who are thankful we were there and wish us the best, and their economy is no longer based on growing opium poppies... We have accomplished a lot in ten years, the loss of lives of our young soldiers was worth the effort, and every Afghan citizen blesses the sacrifices they have made each time they hear the sound of a drone in the sky...

For their efforts, we have taken Leon Panetta, who was head of the CIA while his men were hunting Osama bin Laden, and nominated him as the next Secretary of Defense in a 100 to 0 vote, and just this morning nominated General David Petraeus to replace Panetta as the head of the CIA. Both are excellent choices, but still shows that the good old boy network is alive and well in Washington DC.

And, as soon as we leave both Afghanistan and Iraq completely, their governments will fall apart because they used us as ATM cash machines and didn't take their role of governors seriously. It may take a couple of generations to get some good people involved. In Iraq, it will be after Moqtada al Sadr plays out his hand, and their police decide to actually work for the people and search out the suicide bombers instead of staying indoors and letting things rot in the 120 degree heat... The danger for the US in the near future, is if we ignore these countries after we stop occupying them, throw our hands up in despair, and say there's nothing more we can do to help you! Will we keep and nurture the positive contacts we already have made, support the schools that were built with our money, help rebuild the infrastructure we destroyed with our bombs, help people build a future for themselves... or will we do what we did in Vietnam, slink away and skulk like some prideful eight year old boy, whining and sniveling for another 20 years or so...

Right now, I'm glad that Barack Obama is in charge here. He did all of the right things regarding Osama bin Laden, made good decisions that I fear would not have been made if John McCain were in charge. And I don't see any of the current crop of right wing GOP hopefuls making good decisions in a difficult time like this. The GOP has to stop being the party of nattering nabobs of negativity, and start attending committee meetings all the way through, who cares if Sarah Palin quit her current tour of America because it wasn't generating enough lame stream press... who cares anymore about Anthony's weiner, it's time to stop being the party of NO and start making positive changes and coming up with working ideas, both in foreign policy and in domestic economic policies. If we want to tout our country as the bastion of democracy in the world, we have to show that it works and produces results. Otherwise, we just pass out as many smartphones as we can and let them all join twitter and facebook and figure it out for themselves, the ungrateful sonsabitches...


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