Tuesday, January 30, 2018

It's Too Early to Rant on Trump, Waiting for the Coffee to Kick In...

It's five a.m. and I just let the cat out to find his favorite bushes... he's been getting more vocal the older he gets and must be obeyed, so I'm trying to clear my vision while sipping on my first cup of coffee. Mornings are when I like to check up on various news sites to get different perspectives on world events... So many websites that I used to go to for information are no longer around, and I haven't found anyplace insightful to add a conspiracy theory or two. No more listings of late night jokes... Often, I will read the news and try to find something I want to say, only to find it reported on MSNBC or other nightly news shows. I guess I am becoming more mainstream the older I get. The most depressing tidbit is knowing that Vladimir Putin and I are the same age...

Every time that Donald Trump leaves the country, all of the pundits, politicos, and Democrats relax a bit, take in deep lung-fulls of air, even though they are still ridiculed each day by the Queen of Mean, Sarah Sanders... Perhaps we could send Donald someplace outdoors to play every three months, take a tour of some Trump property or golf course. The cruelest irony would not to let him back in: I'm sorry, sir, but your visa is on our watch list for firing James Comey... try climbing over that wall over there...

The upshot of the Russian investigations will be that yes, Trump tried to influence and obstruct, but he will not be impeached. Over 240 members of his campaign, transition team, and White House staff had interactions with Russians with ties to intelligence or to the Kremlin, but there was no knowing collusion except for Paul Manafort and Jared Kushner... and no, Ivanka, you can't run for President on the Barbie platform... Donald has laundered Russian mob money for over 20 years, but that's normal business practice among New York real estate developers...

Everyone keeps complaining about Trump's mental condition, but nobody has checked him out for
venereal disease, did Stormy have syphilis? He has lived his whole life without developing any self-restraint, and now throws temper tantrums if he doesn't get what he wants, instant gratification. And it gets worse as he grows older or is under stress. We already know about his illiteracy and shortened attention span, hypersensitivity to any perceived slights to his vanity and ego. Mix this all up into the form of a natural bully, and you get a person who keeps asking, "Where's my Roy Cohn?"

I know that Melania never envisioned the shithole wing of the White House she has found herself living in, and I find that I have more sympathy for her situation. She is still more liberal than her hubby, and though she plagerized Michelle Obama, it was because she had respect for her, she just didn't have the talent to pull it off. Her son Barron is a shy kid who has no friends other than adults, and has been ignored by his father for the past 11 years. Donald is at least consistent when it comes to parenting...

The best solution other than impeaching Trump and having Mike Pence resign along with his whole Cabinet of Dunces, is to take away any real power he has. Then, Donald can tweet and rant and offend whomever he wants to, with the results being fodder for late night comedy shows. More than 30 Republican Congressmen will not run for re-election this year, making the coming elections a real trial to the gerrymandered districts...

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