Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Pruitt Too Little Too Late, Netanyahu's AV BS Presentation

If the people in Donald Trump's Cabinet weren't such colorful, and dysfunctional characters, could Michelle Wolfe make them up? Take the Environmental Protection Agency's Scott Pruitt, for example. He was the Attorney General from Oklahoma, where he filed lawsuits against the EPA, which, in Donald Trump's minds-eye, made him perfect to head and sabotage the agency.

Scott has been gutting any policies that were instigated during the Obama administration, and now wants to prohibit any input by scientists regarding the environment. He has been criticized for spending way too much money when he travels, which includes bodyguards for protection 24/7, and always flying first class, so he can avoid anyone who might recognize him and criticize him, poor little fella...

The most bizarre expense, so far, has been for the cone of silence in his office. OK, it's really not the
Get Smart device we loved as children, but is really a compartment where he can receive classified phone calls without the fear of being hacked or traced. You know, like a cone of silence that costs taxpayers $43,000 when their are two other classified compartments in the EPA building. After installation, the installers can't tell us if the new phone booth meets government standards or if it will prevent hacking and provide all of the features that is required for such a system...

When questioned about this at a Congressional hearing, Scott blamed it all on his chief of staff, he really didn't know a thing... Same goes for the huge raises that were given to the two friends he brought over from the Oklahoma's AG office. it was done without his knowledge; why he didn't even know what he was signing off on, it were two scribbles on paper, yup,yup... it's never Scott's fault...

Mr. Pruitt is now the source of 11 oversight investigations, and it's time for some vulnerable rats to leave the ship. Albert Kelly, an ex-banker who is banned from working in the banking industry for the rest of his life, and the head of security, Pasquale Perrotta, who created the 24/7 bodyguard detail, and ordered the cone of silence have stepped down today. Mr. Perrotta is scheduled to answer questions in front of Congress next week, should be fun...

Let's jump from domestic BS to a more global venue, with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin
Netanyahu making an argument on video to persuade Donald Trump to back out of the nuclear deal with Iran. This was supposed to counteract any influence the visits to the White House by France's Macron and Germany's Merkel may have had, both exhorting Trump to stay in the deal. But, it was originally created by the Obama administration and with the UN, so Donald wants to replace it with one that he has negotiated, because he's sooo good at negotiations, just witness the number of times he's had to file for bankruptcy... And this should make North Korea feel really good about its own upcoming negotiations...

Netanyahu has traditionally used visual aids when directed at world leaders, the last notable example was a Wile E. Coyote cartoon bomb showing Iran's nuclear capacity. Well, he's at it again, this time with huge pictures projected onto the wall behind him, bragging that the Mossad had stolen documents that proved that Iran lied when it said it didn't have a nuclear program... Except for one little thing: this news was over ten years old and pertained to the Iranian wish list before it entered into the current non-missile agreement. The talk should have been labeled Iran Lite...

So, what was the purpose of this farce? Other than show what intelligence studs the Mossad are, he was angling to get on Fox News and impress Donald Trump; which he did. Donald even commented about it in a tweet, until he was later corrected by some unimaginative drone in the White House, who must have a thing for facts, Lord knows it wasn't Sarah... What does Israel get if the US pulls out o the Iran deal? A larger market for latex? Permission to bomb, bomb, bomb Iran, and Yemen, and Syria, while the US just stands idly bye, preening at itself in the mirror?

Because the two best ways to get Trump to pay part of his limited attention span is to go on Fox News, or to flatter him. Hence the French bro act, and the South Korean President saying that Trump should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. The rest of us are wondering who will tell the emperor that he is wearing no clothes...

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