Friday, June 17, 2016

Hot Nazi Summer, Bear-Putin...

Ahh, me... first we have a homegrown ISIS dude killing folks in an Orlando nightclub, and it seems that he has a long history of getting in fights since elementary school, drawn to violence and knowing that his life will end in an act of violence. It's just a tragedy that he chose this time to act out. Potentially, the next battleground will happen at the European soccer championships going on this month. France has already deported over 35 people, most of them Russians, for fighting in the stands. And another "lone wolf" killed a policeman and was then shot by police.

It seems that hate groups will try to one-up each other this summer. Two brothers with Nazi sympathies, Sean and Edward Perkowski, were arrested on weapons charges, for owning assault weapons and having bomb-making instructions. The New York Times reports that they will also be charged for drug possession, a bogus charge for finding some mushrooms and marijuana. The creepier aspect of what the police found was that the weapons were laid out on a table with a Nazi flag behind it and a framed picture of Adolf Hitler set in the middle. I guess the boys got off dressing up the part and parading around their house at night, pretending that they were part of the Master Race... Thankfully, they just used this stuff for jerking off, and hadn't gotten the courage up to load up and use the weapons publically...

Now we go to the even murkier and creepier World of Cyber Hacking... It's a practice learned when kids are bored during the summer and they got nothing else to do, and now that the kids have grown up, they can make a lot of money hacking for their government and spy agencies. It's been going on since the birth of computers and the Internet...

The US has established a Cyber Command through the military, and has installed over 130 units around the world to monitor other government's networks, both friends and foes. They also have installed a malware on those networks that can be activated with a command from a computer, much like we did to Iran. Most major countries have done the same, well, at least they will admit to the listening part...

The best country at wiping clean their cyber footprints are the Russians. They also are the most aggressive and heavy handed in using their intrusion devices, the most recent was the hacking of the DNC network, extracting files on how the Democratic Party were planning on dealing with Donald Trump, and then releasing them to Gawker, to help it out of bankruptcy... Two of the hackers called themselves cute Bear names ( I wonder if the FBI has investigated Fozzy Bear for his hacking skills ), making me wonder if there isn't a cult of hirsute gay hackers working for Vladimir Putin... Perhaps his team of evil cyber-geniuses could be known as Vladheads or CyberPutins, instead of cartoonish, derivative nicknames...

Whatever they call themselves, they have a knack of infiltrating networks and making them crash. Most of the time you know it was them when Russia or Putin was criticized by another country. They shut down a power grid in the Ukraine in 2015, with practice runs before that with power grids in Brazil, Venezuela, and Estonia. Basically, they have been saying that we can do what we want, whenever we want, and even the US has trouble finding us in their networks, with the golden ring being a power grid in some major US city...

This week is the first time that NATO exercises will be stationed out of Finland. The cyber-putins have already crashed the Finnish Minister of Defence's website. Germany thinks that they are behind the destruction of a German steel mill, and of course, conducted electronic espionage on a Dutch commission that was looking into the Russian BUK missile that caused a Malaysian jet to crash in the Ukraine, killing 298 passengers and causing the leader of the pro-Russian resistance to flee back into Russia like a kicked dog...

Maybe I should let Google know that I am writing this innocent article in case the hackers decide that I have dissed them, bless their 15 year-old hearts... Curiously, the Russian hackers also could be behind the rash of child pornography sites that pop up every few years in a different country, The most recent one was busted in Lisbon, while San Jose, so close to Silicon Valley, had hosted the Wonderland  Club site...

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