"Dear Brits: We Americans want to congratulate you on your vote to exit the modern world. Now that your prime minister is resigning, you need a brave new leader who can Make Britain Great Again (circa 1775?)
We have just the man for you: He will round up all those pesky immigrants, he'll negotiate unbelievably good deals with those trading partners you just shoved off, and in a pinch he'll rebuild Hadrian's Wall.
Quite frankly, we would appreciate it if you would take him off our hands. You're welcome to Donald Trump!"
- Sebastian Kuhn
Stories were reported of folks going home after voting and Googling to find out what the EU was... Voting seemed split by a generational divide, with the older folks voting to leave, and the younger ones complaining that now they'd have to give up espresso for milky tea and eat weird food like spotted dick and other historical bad choices... Guess we can't let grandma out unattended anymore...
And soon it may be just lonely ol' Britain instead of the United Kingdom. Scotland and Northern Ireland do not want to leave the EU, and may vote again on whether to leave the UK, setting the stage once again for hostilities between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, one dominated by Catholicism the other by the Anglican Church... Jeez, it's bad enough I can't go into an Irish bar without getting into an argument or witnessing one, just because I'm Welsh and we could give a fuck about the Irish ( I actually said this in a bar in San Francisco and lived to tell the tale...). Back to Llareggub for me...
The most costly repercussion of the Brexit vote will be on the City of London, the financial hub inside London town, and has become a rival to New York and Tokyo. We may see an exit of lizard people who no longer have the camouflage of respectability to cloak themselves and have to migrate to Germany or Brussels... Most of the dumping of stock that sent the pound down, happened overnight in Hong Kong and Tokyo.
"May all join in striving to ensure that whenever conflicts emerge between nations, dialogue, the endearing and authentic quest of peace, cooperation between states and the constant commitment of international organizations will always prevail."
- Pope Francis
So where does ISIS and other hostile groups get their guns? Yeah, some were captured, some were stolen, and the rest was provided by the good ol' USA, under the care of the CIA...
Over the past few years the CIA has been trying to train anti-ISIS troops in the Kingdom of Jordan. They also have been buying up lots of rifles made in Bulgaria, rocket-propelled grenades ( you didn't think these were provided by jihadist sympathizers did you? ), ammo from America and pistols from everywhere. They would fly this stuff into Jordan, where the Jordanian security service, originally created by the USA, would then distribute the armory to our good rebel groups. Or so we were told...
Seems members of the Jordanian security service like to buy bling and luxury goods as much as the Russians do, and have taken much of the guns and sold them on Beirut's black market, where you literally can buy anything, from iphones to SUV's... Of course, both the CIA and Jordan say this doesn't happen, but the serial numbers off of some rifles used in ISIS attacks were traced back to this program. Jordan insists that they track all weapons that pass through their hands but refused to input the serial numbers of the rifles in question to their database...
If the US would stop providing guns and stop bombing civilians, most of these radical conflicts would dry up and go away. But as long as we keep providing more fuel to the fire, these conflicts will rise and burn...