Friday, June 1, 2012

The Meek Are Inheriting This Earth...

"Mitt Romney was attacking Obama about our failing education system. He has a point. We are graduating millions of people in this country who are so lacking in basic analytical skills, they are considering voting for Mitt Romney." – Bill Maher

"As George Bush once said, 'Our kids is not learning.'" – Bill Maher
"Between the obesity and the low test scores, you've got to ask yourselves the question ,'How fat and dumb do our kids have to get before our teachers stop having sex with them?"
–Bill Maher

"A new biography came out that says that in high school Obama was a huge pothead … Mitt Romney had to respond to this and said, ‘It is appalling that Obama spent his teenage years goofing around and smoking pot when he should have been pinning down gay kids and cutting their hair." – Bill Maher

I know its said that the meek shall inherit the earth, but that may not be such a good thing. Who knew that a meek dentist would end up killing half the population of his country and not listen to the reasoning of other world leaders? Who  knew that a family of paranoid losers would create a dynasty and run a country nicknamed the hermit kingdom? Who knew that Mit Romney would be chosen to run for the US presidency, or that we would accept a person with the nickname of Mit?

Who knew that Barack Obama would end up being such a sneaky guy? This morning it was revealed that yes, indeed, the US and Israel did create the Stuxnet virus that caused over 1000 of the 5000 centrifuges to fail in Iran, after two years of denying it, that it began during the Bush administration and given the green light to continue by Obama... That Obama campaigned of closing down the prison at Guantanamo but it has yet to happen. Water-boarding was supposed to have stopped by presidential order, but the lawyer in Obama gave himself some wriggle room, and the art of renditioning and interrogation of prisoners has continued unabated. Perhaps the scariest of all, is the fact that there remains a presidential hit-list, with Barack Obama giving his personal OK whether to go after and kill them. Knowing the predatory nature of using mercenaries to do these jobs, they naturally will go overboard and kill people in Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Central America without any presidential approval, they will hunt down and kill people at the slightest nod in their direction, because its their job and its so much fun... Whatever moral excuses Obama gives himself, the fact is he is like a teenage boy playing a bloody shoot-em-up computer game, except he is using real drones and killing real people. I wonder what score he gives himself?

I know that Obama wants to portray himself as another John Wayne tough guy figurehead, never having to apologize to countries like Poland and Pakistan, creating negative campaign ads against his opponents. To be fair, his opponents also create negative attack ads, and they are much more obnoxious that the ones so far created against Romney. And crazier, unless you think that Donald Trump in full-blown birther mode, channeling the ghost of Orly Taitz, is normal behavior for someone in the public eye to be doing...

Mit Romney comes across as meeker than Obama, so I wonder what they will have to do to butch him up? I will vote for Romney if he promises to send in the entire Mormon church to Syria as NATO shock troops, let's see how welcoming people are when they show up with the Book of Mormon in one hand, and an automatic rifle in the other... I say this because its only right that we have a Christian cult go and take on an Islamic minority, claymation style... The pundits are trying to predict who Romney will select as his running mate, trying hard not to make the Palin Mistake, but it looks hard to avoid. Do they go with someone who has more charisma than Romney, or less? The main problem is that the more charismatic route may lead to someone who is more right wing crazy and will make detrimental gaffes in public, like our poor Sarah did. So, look for a safer choice, like Pawlenty, or Portman, or even Paul Ryan, who whines at every criticism made about him or his financial and analytical skills...

The Paris Review just celebrated its 200th issue, which agin brought up the allegations that for many years it was funded by the CIA. One of its founders revealed that he was an employee of the CIA back in 1977, and questions have swirled about the literary magazine ever since. I have been publishing this blog for a few years now, and have yet to make over $10 in revenue from Google. I just want to inform my friends at the CIA that I can be reasonably bought, at prices comparable to a Colombian hooker. Instead of criticizing those mercenaries, I could be praising the flight of the drones, all for a modest monthly stipend. Oh, yes, and having my mortgage paid off...

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