Thursday, April 26, 2018

Cosby Sentenced, Pee Story Persists, China's Tech Whores

Ahhhh, I am heart-sick... Even though Bill Cosby has been accused by over 60 women of drugging them and date rape over the past 40 years, he was finally convicted in a criminal court this morning, and faces a 30 year prison sentence. The only good thing is that he is over 80, and won't last long in prison, no matter how comfy a mattress they give him.

He must have learned this kind of behavior back in the seventies, where he would attend swinging Hollywood parties as the co-star of "I, Spy..." Or, who knows? Perhaps Hef mentored him whenever he would visit the playboy mansion, practicing on the set of "Playboy After Dark..."

Cosby's wife must have known at some level. It might explain why she got so tired a lot, and had to go to bed early, after only a drink or two...

Although I never watched him as Dr. Huxtable, his comedy albums were some of the first my family bought when I was a kid. It's a shame that someone who presented themselves as wholesome and a role model ended up being driven by their darker, dysfunctional sexual side...

The President's physician, who was nominated to head the Veteran's Affairs, the second largest bureaucratic organization in the country, withdrew his name from the nomination process, after being asked embarrassing questions by the VA Affairs Committee. His co-workers, who are still active military, described him as constantly yelling and throwing tantrums. He over-prescribed medication to others and wrote prescriptions to himself. Hey, he liked to party... The worst accusation was when he was accused of driving and wrecking a government vehicle while under the influence, he replied that he had never wrecked any government car... unfortunately, the Washington DC police have him on file for two incidents, one in 2013, and another in 2016... It just shows what Donald Trump has been making, impulsive decisions and not vetting candidates properly. He and his new lawyer, Rudi Guliani probably play house and cross-dress in the White House after the morning tweets go out; no longer is Melania the only one well dressed and turned out...

Surprise, surprise, the story of Donald hiring two hookers to pee on the bed in Russia, where Barack
and Michelle Obama had also slept, has new legs recently... This story should have had its sheets changed and put to bed by now, but Donald Trump keeps obsessing and bringing it back into the news cycle... James Comey related in his new book, how obsessed Donald was over the pee allegations. He stressed to Comey that he couldn't have done anything like that because he didn't spend overnight in Russia at all during the Miss Universe pageant... except that fact checking showed Trump flying in on a Friday, and flying back on a Sunday. Previously, his bodyguard told a story of how he followed Donald to his hotel room, and standing guard outside the door for awhile before, he, too retired for the night... Then, this morning on Fox and Friends, Donald called in and answered the question if he did stay overnight in Russia, saying, yes, of course I did... Too bad Donald didn't marry Mrs. Cosby instead, she would have understood...

China has always been a quirky society when it comes to relationships between men and women. OK ok, we know that Mao was a whore, sleeping with numerous young girls at a time, and having a soldier assigned to dig the compacted shit from his behind, but everyone else have to be naïve and child-like in demeanor... Tech companies are now hiring young women to hang out with their over-stressed, virginal, male programmers. They provide everything from being a good listener, to organizing snacks, to giving pep talks and massages... The pay is better than if you were starting out as an electrical engineer. The only drawback is that the women must be considered to be pretty, and over five foot, two inches in height, so that they can be seen when sitting at the front desk...

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Babs and Buckel, RIP

Two deaths occurred over the last few days, with different levels of national publicity. Barbara Bush just died at the age of 92. She could have stayed in the hospital and they could have kept her alive for a few more days, but she decided to go home and spend her last hours with those she loved and in familiar surroundings.

She was the most loved of all of the Bush family, both liberals and conservatives. My sister, a huge liberal, loved her to death and felt that she would have made a better president than her husband, and I felt the same way... She was the strength and backbone of her family. Although George and Jeb got their conservatism and pig-headishness from their father, any sense of compassion came from their mother... George tried to combine the two traits by promoting a "compassionate conservatism," it never jelled into policy, thanks to the evil, soulless people he surrounded himself with. Barbara and George HW were married for over 72 years, the longest marriage of any presidential couple, and she was the only one besides Abigail Adams to have both been married to a president and been the mother of another... So, rest in peace, Babs, you lived a full life filled with love, and nobody can take that success away from you...

A more problematic death occurred last Saturday in a park, a successful gay rights lawyer, David Buckel, made a small, blue plastic tent, and set himself on fire. He left a note saying that people need to become more aware and to help more in taking care and healing the planet...

We haven't had someone setting themselves on fire in America in a long time. I remember, as a kid,
watching on the television, of a Buddhist monk dowsing himself and lighting himself on fire as a protest to the upcoming war in Vietnam. It didn't work, but it created a powerful image enough that I began a life-long interest in Buddhism and meditation.

Nobody really saw David burning to a crisp, his protest by ending his life didn't have the same powerful imagery as those monks in Vietnam did, and I doubt that he changed any lives with his sacrifice. He probably could have done more by continuing his activism.

But, we have reached a crisis point, our Earth is dying and humans are the major cause, like it or not. Unless more caring people take over powerful positions in our societies enough to solve the environmental problems that are killing us all, any future we have will become toast. Otherwise, our children may not be able to live full, happy lives like Barbara Bush...

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Surely, You Must Be Syrias, France Sets the Age of Consent

In the past few years, the Syrian government has launched over 214 chemical attacks against its own citizens, the latest being a few days ago in Douma, and precipitated the US to launch 106 missiles aimed at three sites that make and store chemical weapons. The Syrian government at first claimed to have shot down seven of the missiles, then revised that number to 71, to save face... Or, the Russians asked them to because they are the ones who sold Syria their missile defense system... Now comes the bravado and posturing from all parties involved. Iran is calling it a crime, yet makes no mention of Assad's use of chlorine gas. But Iran will pretty much sit this one out because Syria is merely a proxie for Iran, not an actual client state.

The weird part to this story is how the Russian propaganda network began to set up the smoke-works in March, saying that Syrian rebels were stockpiling chemical weapons, or Britain is importing chemical weapons (they had so much left over after poisoning the ex-Russian spy and his daughter...), or al-Qaeda is stockpiling chemicals, or the US is also importing chemical weapons
because they want to create a false flag argument and have a reason to bomb Syria... Of course, Russia is Syria's good friend, we were supposed to get rid of all stockpiles of chemical weapons, but we didn't; in fact, we probably sold more chemicals to Syria because we have warehouses full, and, as Britain can attest, we are just itching to use them...

So, will the Assad government stop gassing its own people, or will they wait until they think no-one is looking and do it again because they are dedicated to wiping out the Syrian people??? It's actions like this, along with casualties from bombings and drone strikes, that will forge the next generation of ISIS type organizations n the next few years. Culture and politics is going to be one global clusterfuck...

I didn't really want to write about this at all, because I find it unsettling. In much of the world there is no established age of consent for a girl to have a consensual relationship. If the girl is under the age of consent, if a guy has sex with her, it is considered rape. In the US, the age of consent is 18, in Germany, it is 14.

France has been having a national debate because of a court case brought by prosecutors against a 29 year old, married father of two children, who met an 11 year old girl in a park, and persuaded her to follow him to his apartment, where they had sex. Part of the debate, especially since the trial was postponed, is the girl to be considered a woman because she did it willingly, or is she a naïve child who only had a vague notion what sex was, getting her info from the Internet, movies, fashion, and porn... One of the lawyers involved has said that she has been defending rape and abuse cases for over 30 years, and in that time she has seen girls develop at a much younger age, and experimenting so that she's not too surprised at how young the girl is. Psychologists have countered that the girl is still a child, with the underdeveloped emotions and lack of judgement skills that are required for a full relationship...

Now France took the debate to its next step: at what age do we establish the age of consent? Granted, 11 is really too young, but they seriously debated having the age as 13, 14, or 15, before finally settling at the tender age of 15. There has been no debate as to what age a male should be considered a sexual predator, or if we have to elect him to Congress or let him become President... As goes France, can the rest of the world be far away?

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Earth is Looking Trashy, Rise of Fascism in Europe

So, all of the warnings from the past are coming true, and it ain't pretty. We have no place left to bury our trash, and it is swallowing the surface of the earth. Take Moscow, for instance. The trash dump at the city's outskirts has caused people living near-bye to become nauseous and sending children to the hospital. Vladimir Putin heard a complaint about this site on his call-in radio show, and immediately closed down the dump site, making the trash trucks go to a couple of sites a few miles away from Moscow... Only, these sites are already full, and their operators were looking for new sites to fill. Unfortunately, over 9000 pounds of trash per day is being trucked to these sites and it has reached crisis level, which Mr. Putin has chosen to ignore...

The problem of what to do with the huge amounts of trash that we produce has become a global
problem. China used to accept boatloads full of trash from several countries, the US being one of them. They are no longer accepting trash for landfills, and there has been no alternative developed. Over ten million tons of trash is dumped into the ocean each year. In the Pacific Ocean is the Great Trash Heap consisting of over 3.5 million tons of trash, including a lot of plastic. Fish, turtles, dolphins, and even whales are eating the small pellets that are a result of the breakdown of petroleum products by saltwater, and is showing up in the food we eat...

With the victory in the Hungarian election, right-wing extremism is on the rise. In the US, white-wing fascist groups are complaining that they are going broke, but it has become quite clubby and high spirited from France to Greece to Poland. There is also the rise of Nazi pride, with all of its anti-Semitic and anti-immigrant splendor... One culmination was the stabbing to death of an 88 year old Holocaust survivor in France. A really brave move by some 19 year old, who had to take methamphetamines to jack himself up to do the deed...

Victor Orban campaigned on the premise that allowing more immigrants into Hungary would
facilitate the destruction of Hungarian society. It was ultra-nationalistic and he won an unprecedented third term by playing on those fears, and set the more liberal members of the EU to worrying about the future. The rallying of these fascist groups are aimed at the Muslim immigrants, and it does not bode well unless the economies improve and there are more job opportunities for everyone. It could end in a blood-bath and another world war, but these right wingers usually end up fighting each other and could cancel each other out, especially if this problem is met with now... One solution is to get all of these new Nazis and fascists to immigrate to Russia, where the leader is comfortable with these extreme beliefs, and should welcome them with open arms, getting them jobs making much needed nerve gas for places like Syria...

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

It' s Almost All Fake News Today... Russia is in Control

A story that ran in the New York Times says that the Afghan Taliban has been stepping up night raids because they have acquired night-vision goggles through the black market, and distributed by corrupt Afghan Generals, down the line to regular soldiers who sell them, along with US weapons, to supplement their regular pay. Soon, they may have their own drones, and use the GPS systems in cellphones, along with Fitbits...

Alexa, where are the US troops?

Donald Trump has invited Vladimir Putin to visit the White House, where they will make cookies together before going out to a Trump hotel for dinner. An old Putin joke, adapted for these times: Putin and Trump go to a steakhouse, and the waiter asks Putin what he will have to eat.

"I'll have the meat." Putin replies.

Very good sir. And the vegetable?"

"He'll have the meat, too." said Putin.

Phillip Dick is one of my favorite science fiction writers, and Hollywood likes him, too, adapting several books into movies, and starring roles for Harrison Ford, Tom Cruise, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. The reason they never developed books like We Can Build You, or develop the storyline further about the replicants in Bladerunner, is that the GOP financed the making of a presidential robot, teaming up with Disney Studios. The Trump model hasn't been perfected, we can tell by how squirrely his software reacts to the news. Instead of being passive and let his battery recharge, he's tweeting about crap he's seen on Fox News. Also, the Trump model can't be left alone for any amount of time because we cannot predict what it will say... Or do... Or break down in public... Or it might start grabbing them pussies and asking for golden showers...

I'll have the meat...

Another story had reported that we have found out that while we were distracted by WikiLeaks and Guccifer2, Russian hackers had penetrated our nuclear and energy systems, embedding software that would allow them to seize control at any time, or cause massive power failures... It was tried a couple of times to work the bugs out, first in Brazil a few years ago, then Venezuela. God help us if they take over the Cloud servers at Microsoft, or use your cell phone camera to send them news, like some creepy pen-pal...