Friday, February 23, 2018

GunProtests, Ivanka and Sara Escape to South Korea

I've been really impressed with the teens from Parkland, Florida, who have been waging gun control protests at the state capital n Tallahassee, and when they are interviewed by national media. Like everyone else, I was surprised at how articulate they are, and how they are transforming their grief and anger into a constructive outlet, giving the NRA and Marco Rubio hell. To me, it means that our education system works better than Betty DeVoss and her anti-public education cronies let on... If a bunch of high school students from all over our country can influence change now, think what they might accomplish in a couple of years when they become eligible to vote, which is in 2020...

What was disconcerting was how quickly rumors spread intended to smear these kids, thought up by adults who disagree with their stance on gun legislation, and a few Russian facebook bots still controlled from St. Petersburg.  A white supremacist group claimed that the 19 year old shooter with the last name of Cruz was one of theirs. Some kids were supposed to be actors posing as grief-stricken victims

Ironically the Republicans themselves have places where they ban handguns, rifles, and the people who would carry them publicly. The most obvious place is the White House, which just adds to the bluster of Donald's pro-gun stance. The other White House at Mar-a-lago also bans guns, knives, stun guns, and won't give them back if they confiscate yours. Donald Trump also banned people carrying firearms at the Republican National Convention and at his campaign rallies, while touting his support for open-carry laws.

Your Congressfolk ban guns from the Capital Building, keeping the floors and galleries free from gun toting Patriots. And lastly, Republicans ban guns and their owners from their Townhall meetings, considering constituents who are packing to be too dangerous to their life and  political health... Because the adult response has been, lets have more guns in the schools, the NRA says let's train teachers how to shoot and carry firearms, not like the armed guard who hid outside and didn't go into the high school to confront a kid armed with an AR-15... So, we'll have more stonewalling from the GOP until we vote in people with teenagers of their own, maybe then they'll listen...

Round 1 at the Olympics between Mike Pence and lil' Kim Yo ended with a solid win for the plucky North Korean. Mike just demonstrated why he should never become President, exhibiting poor social skills and no diplomatic chops whatsoever... Donald didn't like that, so he has sent over his charming, vacuous daughter Ivanka to rule over the closing ceremonies. She brought along Sara Huckaby Sanders, who can provide the withering sarcasm if it is called for. The North Korean counterpart is a thug in a funny hat, who would be arrested by the South Korean intelligence if he didn't have diplomatic immunity.

Two things bother me: one, is the Donald's blatant copycat style, and two, the racism involved assuming that the Koreans would automatically accept a tall, white woman as being prettier and more charming over a fellow Korean woman... Ivanka maybe stepping into a few briar-patches, we'll see if Sara can talk her way out of them...

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