Hey there, pussy grabbing Americans, tomorrow is the big day, enough time for The Donald to release his tax returns and show us proof how badly the election is rigged. One sex scandal not much reported on is how many times Rudy Giuliani has had to suck off the Donald just so he wouldn't get too angry and excited and stay on course, reading the damned teleprompter at each rally these past few days. What Rudy wouldn't do to have a chance at becoming the next Attorney General...
Pundits are saying that the Donald won't concede the election, but he might take a high-dive off of the Trump Tower...
I'm cynical enough to realize that the GOP will not reorganize themselves into a more inclusive political party with policies that aren't pulled out of Paul Ryan's butthole... What is needed is for a lot of young Bernie Sanders supporters to join the Republican Party and force it kicking and screaming into the 21st Century... All of the rest of this past election cycle is a sad commentary on our political history. Our credibility on the world stage has been trashed, people have been pining to bring back the divine rule of royalty...